新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson50:AT THE POLICE STATION在警察局(在线收听

736.  My client has made some very convincing allegations of police brutality .
737.  He claims that your officers assaulted him.
738.  Do you have any proof of these claims?
739.  You’ll be hearing from me soon.
740.  I need to file a missing person’s report.
741.  Arrests have declined this month.
742.  Can you identify the suspect?
743.  He resisted arrest violently .
744.  I want to call my lawyer.
745.  We just have a few questions for you.
746.  The officer was very helpful to me.
747.  Are you sure the suspect fired more than once?
748.  That area is out of our jurisdiction .
749.  This is the busiest precinct in the city.
750.  I need your signature on this report.

1. allegation         []      n. 断言;申述;辩解;主张
2. brutality        []     n. 残忍;野蛮
3. assault          []          v. 攻击;袭击
4. proof           []           n. 证据;物证
5. decline        []         v. 下降;下跌;减少;衰退;衰落
6. identify          []       v. 确认;识别;鉴定;验明
7. violently        []        adv. 激烈地;猛烈地
8. jurisdiction        []  n. 权限;管辖范围
9. signature             []        n. 签名;签署;画押
