英语听力精选进阶版 7122(在线收听

Background: 英格兰中部的一名文物管理官员作出决定,把一批安格鲁萨克逊积聚黄金定为珍宝。这意味着各地的博物馆将有机会进行投标。据形容,这是来自英格兰中部罕见的考古发现。

The quality of the craftsmanship is supreme.

One thousand five hundred individual items: five kilograms of gold and two and a half kilograms of silver and many decorated with precious stones.

Exquisite sword fittings, parts of helmets and a crumpled golden cross.

It is by far the largest find of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever, much bigger than the 1939 discovery at Sutton Hoo.

It may have belonged to the kings of Mercia and date from the seventh century, a time of great turmoil in the land.


craftsmanship 精湛的手工艺 

gold 黄金 

silver 银子 

precious stones 宝石 

sword fittings 宝剑装饰物 

helmets 头盔 

crumpled 有皱的 

Anglo-Saxon treasure 安格鲁萨克逊珍宝 

turmoil 动荡

Questions and Answers

1. How many items have been found? 

So far 1,500 items have been found.

2. True or false? There is twice as much gold as silver. 


3. What weapons are mentioned? 

Swords and helmets.

4. Has there ever been a bigger find? 

No. This is the biggest hoard of treasure found in Britain.
