英语听力精选进阶版 7149(在线收听

Background: 南非公安局局长贝吉-赛勒宣布在他的领导下,现任警察一律不得超重。他说他想让犯罪分子面对着身体强壮有纪律性的执法人员感到惧怕。最近一项调查报告发现近一半的男女警察都被诊断为患有肥胖症。

South Africa's police force has an image problem.

Faced with one of the world's highest crime rates, its officers are seen by many as ineffective, sometimes corrupt and often lumberingly overweight.

That's now all supposed to change under Bheki Cele the new police commissioner.

Launching a new zero tolerance approach to podgy policemen, Commissioner Cele completed a round of aerobics and ran 4000 metres round the track.

Over a healthy breakfast he said that officers would from now on have to fit into the size of trousers they wore when they were first trained.

Those requesting an extra few centimetres round the waist will now be politely refused and given a year in which to follow a designated weight loss plan and squeeze into their old size.

Those who still burst the seams will be shown the door.

With the World Cup starting in less than three months time, this is the South African police trying to show that they are up the task of protecting the up to 400,000 visiting fans.

Glossary 词汇表

ineffective 没有效率的 

corrupt 腐败的 

lumberingly overweight 过度的沉重/超重 

police commissioner 公安局局长 

zero tolerance approach 零容忍策略 

podgy 矮胖的,短粗的 

aerobics 有氧运动 

designated weight loss plan 指定的减肥计划 

burst the seams 胀破制服的接缝 

shown the door 请出去(解雇) 

World Cup 世界杯

Questions and Answers

1. True or False? South Africa has a low crime rate. 

False. South Africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world.

2. How did Commissioner Cele prove his fitness? 

He performed aerobics and ran 4km.

3. How long will police officers have to lose weight? 

One year.

4. How many fans are expected to visit for the World Cup? 

As many as 400,000.
