
   New England is not a state.Okay. New York.Yeah.I'm telling her now. 新英格兰不是一个州 是的 纽约州 可以 我可以告诉她

  Yeah, you can help her. It doesn't matter this point.Alright.I am here with Vicki Wind and Deborah Boy. 是的 你可以帮助她 现在没关系 回来 这是维奇温德和黛博拉博依
  And we're gonna play a game.It's called Slap My Face.And here is how you play it. 下面我们要玩一个游戏 游戏名叫拍我脸 规则如下
  I'm gonna ask a question,When you think you know the answer,You are gonna slap my face. 我会问一道问题 如果你知道答案 就请拍我的脸
  Not my actual face,That will hurt this face.It's this face that you're gonna slap. 不是我真正的脸 那样脸会疼的 你要拍的的是这一张脸
  So you put your hand on it,and keep your hand there, 所以请把你的手放在上面 不要移开
  and you'll answer the question,and you will be plane for a trip to Vegas, 然后就可以回答问题了 你将获得去往拉斯维加斯的机票
  where you can play one of my brand new slot machines. 在那儿还可以体验
  Since you plane your trip to Vegas.Alright, hands on your back. 我的新款投币游戏机 好 请把手放在背后
  All the questions are Vegas themed. 所有问题都是有关拉斯维加斯的
  And whoever gets the most points wins,and you go to Vegas, it will be fun. 得分最高的人将会赢取 维加斯的豪华旅行
  Las Vegas earned the nickname America's playground, 拉斯维加斯有"美国游乐场"的美称
  I'm often referred to America's golden child Who was the original three judges on American idol? .我常把它称作是美国金小鬼 "美国偶像"节目中最早的三位评委是谁