
   And you can do that in so many different ways. 所以你可以用不同的方式来实现

  Politics is one important form to do it, 政治是一种重要方式
  And I'm glad that people were willing to roll up their sleeves. 我也很高兴 有人愿意在政治上挺身而出
  But I leave it to those folks and you know,I find other ways to... 不过我把自己的精力放在大众身上 我找别的方式来...
  Yeah, there's a lot of ways to help people,and you're helping people. 是的 帮助他人的方法有很多 你正在帮助他们
  And so 22 years of marriage, right? 22? 22 years of marriage and...There's got to be... 话说你结婚了二十二年 是吧 二十二年 二十二年的婚姻加上...肯定有一些.
  You can't say too much about him that would be bad or nasty. 你不能爆料太多他的坏话或者糗事
  But there has to be something that...bug you.Like...Does he have a habit that's annoying?You know... 但肯定有些事情让你困扰 比如...一些让人不愉快的习惯 你懂的...
  Let me say this about the two decades of marriage plus. 二十多年的婚姻生活
  It's that what I've come to find out is...That you don't sweat the small stuff.You know. 让我领悟到 不要关注鸡毛蒜皮 你知道
  The journey that we've taken together.The fun we've had,The challenges that we face, 我们在一起的日子 有过欢乐 也面临过挑战
  The two beautiful girls we were raised,I kinda...gave him a pass now when he leaves his socks on the floor. 一起养育两个美丽的女儿 所以我不会计较他把袜子丢地板上
  Or...Tells that story for The 100th times and want us like...to laugh. 或者 给我们讲 说过一百遍的老段子 想让我们
  At it like we first heard it...He has to have good stories though, whatever his 100th story. 像第一次听到似得大笑 不管老段子是什么 他肯定还有一些精彩的故事
  100 times. You know, it's good as a story,100 times, it's a lot. I see.I understand. 一百遍  你知道吗 再好的段子 讲一百遍也够头疼的  我知道 我理解