
   I like the show I like her whole a lot,But man last time she was on the show 我很喜欢那个节目  我也很喜欢她本人 但是  老天  上次她来这里的时候

  she complained about every thing,I hope it's better today 她抱怨一切事情 我希望今天情况会好些
  I am prepared but she really just complain complain complain 我可是有所准备的 但她真的就是只抱怨  抱怨 再抱怨
  And he has not left the building,JUSTIN BIBER is here.You will see him later.Talented 而且  他也没有离开大楼 JUSTIN BIBER还在这里 你们待会儿会见到他 十分有才
  Also I had an idea that I thought,would made me millions millions I tell you 还有曾经有个想法  我认为 可以让我赚上百万 百万啊
  And apparently someone else has that same idea.he is 8 years old.We're gonna talk to them when we come back 很显然  还有人有跟我一样的创意 他只有8岁 等下我们会采访他们
  We will be right back with the kid that has the same idea.We will be back 回来之后  我们将会见到跟我有一样创意的孩子 马上回来
  Do you want a business partner?Emm,Cause I can go in with you 你想不想找一个生意伙伴 嗯 因为我可以和你合作
  like we can make make a lot of money,A lot of money,Keep laughing,Hahahaha! 我们就可以大捞一笔 赚很多钱哦 一直笑 哈哈哈哈
  And then  cry,now cry now cry,Noooo!next ellen 然后哭 现在哭  现在哭 不——下一期 Ellen
  I was shocked and I had no idea.the one interview with Portia.de. 我很震惊  我完全没有想到 RossiPortia.de.Rossi的独家专访
  It's time for the conclusion of Ellen's Legal Corner 现在是ellen法制角的总结时间
  Last week I had a million-dollar idea.It was called Silly Clipsz 上周我想出了一个金点子 名字叫Silly Clipsz
  I just thought,You know, they have silly bandz and,I thought why we don't I do silly clips 我只是想 他们有silly bandz 我就想我为什么不卖silly clips的呢
  then I found out that an 8 year-old,claimed to have the same one from Florida,Please welcome defendant Ethan Fisher 然后我发现了一个八岁男孩 来自加州声 他称和我的想法不谋而合 让我们欢迎被告Ethan Fisher