新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson34:WORRIES担忧(在线收听

496. I’m worried about next week’s test.
497. Don’t worry about me.
498. I’m worried for your safety.
499. Your driving concernsv me.
500. He doesn’t seem concerned about his health.
501. It’s nothing that you should worry about.
502. His actions have always been a worry to me.
503. This new information is very worrisomew.
504. I’m a little concerned about the expense of this meal.
505. He is a real worry to his mother.
506. I’ve got some money troubles.
507. I’m a musician and I often don’t have regular jobs.
508. I’m good at English and history, but I’m really awful at the natural sciences.
509. I can’t get rid of my worries.
510. I know I’m being silly, but I’ll worry about her for the rest of my life.

1. worry     [5wQri]      v.&n. 烦恼;焦虑;担心
2. concern    [kEn5sE:n]  v. 使担心;使不安
3. worrisome [5wQrisEm]  a. 令人烦恼的
