
   You all are in good mood,aren't you? 你们心情不错 对吧

  You have been dancing like crazy and 刚刚跳舞跳得真疯狂
  Having fun and I've been watching you,Did you have a good Valentine's day,everybody? 而且玩得很开心 我一直看着呢 大家情人节都过得不错吧
  I did as well,and earlier today I was in a drug store buying all the discounted Valentine's day candy. 我也过得不错 今天早些时候 我去商店买那些情人节打折的糖果
  So I have something to give out to the kids next halloween, 这样下个万圣节 我就可以给那些孩子们了
  And while I was there,I picked up a pack of gum. 在那儿的时候 我拿起一包口香糖
  Now,I don't usually chew gum,I have a guy who chews it for me. 我现在一般不亲自嚼口香糖了有人专门替我嚼
  But I didn't realize how many different types of gum there were 我不知道竟然有那么多种口味的口香糖
  Have you seen how many different types of gum there are now? 你们知道现在有多少种口香糖吗
  It is crazy,when I was kid there were two things that I could chew,Juicy Fruit or tobacco. 太不可思议了 我小的时候只有两种东西可以嚼 水果味的口香糖和烟草
  Tobaccy,that's what I call it.So,let me just show you some the the gum from the store that I went to right here.Let me just take a little 我叫那个“Tobaccy” 我给你们展示几种我在那家店买的口香糖 让我们看一下
  No,this isn't even all the gum that they had,this is all that I could stuff into my niece's pockets 他们有的可远不止这些 这些也就够塞满我侄女的口袋
  So okay.so if you just want peppermint,if you're a peppermint type of a person,you want peppermint 如果你想要薄荷味的 你是个喜欢薄荷的人 你想要薄荷味的
  These are all right here,all of these are peppermint,but they all have a different name,like piddity,sort of like that. 这些都是 所有这些都是薄荷味 但是名字都不一样 像Piddity之类的
  And here is one,this one is called sweet peppermint 2.0. 这有一个 这个叫薄荷甜度2.0
  Now,2.0,you know what that means 2.0.As soon as you buy it,they're going to come out with a 2.1 version. 2.0 你知道这是什么意思 你买过之后 他们就将推出2.1版的