
   It's the wrong gum.All right. 这个就过时了

  This is something I've never seen before,this is something,somebody called 我从没见过这种 这种 有人叫它
  They came up with this whose,this is called dessert delights 他们想出来的 这个叫做开心甜点
  Now,they have mint chocolate chip,they have orange cream pop,they have strawberry shortcake and they have apple pie 还有巧克力片 橘子奶油味 草莓酥饼味 还有苹果馅饼味的
  Oh,okay,just to have a stick,I'm watching my figure,though 好的 只吃一片 我得顾着点我的体形
  Ok,so here is some more,this is different gum,this is,these are carzy names,too 这还有 这是另一种 这是 这些名字真疯狂
  This is,there's Solstice and then there is Vortex and there is Lush and there is Swerve 这是 有“Solstice”“Vortex”还有“Lush”还有“Swerve”
  They're naming gum after strippers now 口香糖竟然以脱衣舞女的名字命名
  The packaging,look at the packaging,this is,wht's happening to these people with the packaging? 我们看看这包装 真是 这些设计包装的人怎么了
  Okay,so some of these,the gum comes in a plastic tub,and then there's a gun 有一些 塑料桶装的 还有枪形状的
  It's a gun,it's gum that comes in a gun,there's a 7 day waiting period if you want to buy this gum 枪的形状 口香糖装到枪里 如果想买这种得等7天
  And then there's bubble tape,which is right here,and this is kind of a,Oh man,look at this 接下来还有Bubble tape 在这里 这种 天啊 看这个
  So it's a,it's,it comes out like this,it's like 6 feet of gum right here 所以这种 抽出来就是这样 好像总共有6尺长
  This is,here's a general rule,your gum shouldn't be longer than your child 通常来说 你的口香糖不能比你的孩子还高
  And then they have this,I don't even know what this is 还有这种 我都不知道这是什么
  This is,I'm not putting that in my pocket,I mean you're gonna carry this around?I don't understand this 这个 我可不打算把这个放口袋里 你真准备拿着这个四处走 真搞不明白