
   I am so happy to meet you,they showed me this several days ago 能见到你太开心了 前几天有人给我看了这个视频

  And I was like,please,can we have him on the show,can I meet him. 我当时就是说 可以请他上节目吗 我可以采访他吗
  What an inspiring story that is.Okay.So take us to that day,the accident,What were you doing and what cause this 多么让人振奋的故事啊 给我们讲讲事故当天的事吧 当时你在做什么 怎么发生的
  Oh,first may I thank you,It's so good to be here.You know how excited I am.Thanks a lot,It's excited to have you 首先 十分感谢 能来这里太棒了 我真的是非常激动 很高兴你能来
  Yeah,It was about eight years ago that I was coaching at Silver Star,there freestyle club there 大约八年前 当时我在银之星俱乐部做教练 那是一个自由式滑雪俱乐部
  And ended up doing a speed check,about 3 quarter of the way up the end run to this big jump 那次做速度检测 导致了过高的跳跃
  It's like,I don't know,12 feet tall and 15 feet back from the landing hill 大概有三米半高 距离着陆点四米
  And that wasn't enough speed from where I had assumed would be good,so I went to the very top 开始速度不够 没有达到我的预期 所以我从最高点开始滑
  And felt like I was going a bit fast when I started,but I thought,you know maybe as I got down to the transition and off the jump,Speed would be right 而且起步有点儿快了 但我想 到了过渡坡的时候再跳 速度应该刚好
  But ended up overshooting the landing hill,over-rotating the trick 可最终跳得太远了 做技巧翻过头了
  How high were you about,like?They told me about 10 stories.Ten stories in the air?Ten stories 当时跳了有多高 大概十层楼吧 在空中十层楼 十层楼那么高
  How many stories,I don't know,what you're supposed to be when you do that trick,eight,four stories 我不知道几层 正常情况下应该跳多高 八层还是四层楼那么高
  You should be two or three stories to the landing hill and I just took it way too far  应该是两到三层楼 当时跳得实在太高了
  and missed the landing hill completely,landing in the flats at the bottom 完全飞出了着陆的区域 落到了山底的平地
  Wow,ok,so you knew when you were in the air,uh,oh right?That's when you realize 是不是在空中的时候你就发觉 啊哦 糟了
  No,I realize in the transition.It was uh,oh,when I was in the air,It was like oh,no. 还在过渡的时候就发现了 心里啊哦一下 等到了空中 我觉得 哦 死定了