
   When I landed,I was knocked out,then I regained consciousness,my first reaction,this is awkward 后来我就摔得昏过去了 醒过来以后 第一反应是太囧了

  I want to sit up,but I couldn't.And they're like don't move,don't move.In my cheeky way,I was like don't worry,I can.I was like oh,man,I can't move 想坐 坐不起来 周围的人都喊不要动 开始还逞强说 没事儿别急 紧接着变成 天啊 我动不了了
  Okay,so then It's remarkable that you've come back to this place where 确实很了不起的是 你又回到了滑雪场
  you decided that it's not enough to just ski again but,and very well.I mean,like that's incredible 决定要做滑雪之外的技巧 光滑雪就不可思议了
  But then to say I want to do a flip in the air which must be because I don't know 你又说自己要做空翻 一定很难
  But I would imagine doing a flip,you need all you need the weight to kind of push yourself over from your lower body,right? 我知道要做空翻的话 需要用腿来调整身体的重心 对吧
  Correct,yeah.So,how do you do,what you're how do you do a flip 没错 那你是怎么办到的呢
  Um,simple science.Aerials is no more than just measured physics 原理很简单 空中特技不过是物理测量
  What we did was we kind of,the idea came eight years ago when I'm laying in the hospital 这个想法是八年前在医院的时候想到的
  I was like I can do a flip.My parents are like,no you can't,don't even 我说我可以做空翻 我爸妈就崩溃了 想都不要想
  And a couple years back,I started experimenting and just to see if it was possible 过了两年 我开始试验 只是想知道这是不是行的通
  And then I met up with one of the coaches to the Canadian aerials team 后来我认识了加拿大空中特技队的教练
  He said if you work this on your takeoff,if shape the jump like this,you'll be good to go 他说如果这样起跳 把跳板做成这种形状 就没问题了
  and you know,you can do this safely,and I'm like all right.we started practicing and voila 同时很安全 我觉得他说的很有道理 便开始练习 然后成功了
  Unbelievable.All right.We have to take a break.I have a little gift for you,That hopefully you'll enjoy,and we'll be back 太了不起了 我们休息一下 给你准备了个小礼物 希望你喜欢 一会儿见