
   20 years is hard period.20 years is hard in any relationship 20年很艰难 任何一种关系维持20年都很艰难

  Much less living in the White House,Much less the stress and the pressures that you both have on you 不管是入住白宫 还是你们肩上的压力
  And raising children,while adjust children I might add.I mean,that's gotta be 抚养小孩 还有教育小孩 这一切
  It's quite a fit to live in the White House and make it 20,well,you weren't there for 20 years.But that's,that's amazing 入住白宫压力很大 而且坚持了20年 你们虽然没有入住白宫20年 但是很了不起
  Right,you know what you learn in any relationship,compromise.And if you really like the person that you are married to,which as stars 任何一段关系中都要学会妥协 如果你很爱你的另一半 而且又是一个公众人物
  That's why I say love at first sight that stuff is good for a second.But you really have to like and respect the person 这就是为什么我说 一见钟情是短暂的 但是必须要爱 尊重你的另一半
  Because that gets you through the ups and downs.And in fact,living in the White House has brought all of us closer together 因为这样才能克服所有的困难 实际上 入住白宫让我们关系更亲密
  Because you know,when you are in such a pressure cooker.You really,you know,all the small stuff is meaningless 因为处于这种高压环境中 所有的小事都可以忽略
  Uh,so we've become much closer as a couple and as a family throught it all,so.well,that's the true test,isn't it 所以 我们关系更近了 不管是作为夫妻 还是家庭 我们都挺过来了 这才是真正的考验
  Now,does he pick up his socks?does he pick up his socks?That's the question.He doesn't pick up his socks.He's not good,you know,he think he is neat 他会把袜子捡起来吗 会把袜子捡起来吗 这种问题 他不捡袜子 他觉得自己很整洁
  But he has people who help him.You know,and I'm like,it's not you that neat.It's the people who are.right. 但那是因为有人帮他 我总说 不是你自己爱干净 帮你的人才是 确实是这样
  The people who pick your socks,those are the neat people.So he is not like that kind of unload neat,put up things,hang things,in a certain order 那些给你捡袜子的人 那才爱干净 所以他不是那种把东西挂好 一切井井有条
  No,he likes it neat,but.But he doesn't do it.When we in Chicago,his idea of putting his suit away,was hanging it on the edge of the door 不 他很喜欢整洁 但 但他不会去做 我们在芝加哥时 他挂衣服都是挂在门边上
  So he would just have jackets on the edges of door.It's like,there is a hanger.Yeah,you know 所以他的夹克都挂在门边上 那不是有个挂钩吗
  But,no,he isn't getting any points.You can't do everything right.You gotta have some flaws 但是 这点真的不得分 人无完人 确实 肯定会有小缺点
  We're gonna take a break and we're gonna talk about your new campaign and all kinds of things,keeping people moving.we'll be right back 休息一会 然后讲一下你们的那个新活动 还有其他一些事情 让人们了解一下 马上回来