
   We're back with the first lady Michelle Obama,and Now you have this "Let's move" campaign 节目开始 今天的嘉宾是第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马 你们展开了这次“让我们动起来”的活动

  Which I love,I think that's you know,planting the garden and all the things you are doing 我很喜欢 我认为修修花园 所有正在做的事
  Because that's a big problem that we have,as a lot of people not eating right,and not taking care of themselves 因为这些问题存在 人们饮食不好 不会照顾自己
  You get up at 4:30 every morning to work out,is that right?I get up at 5:30,6,depends on what's going on in the day 你每天4点半起来锻炼 是吗 5点半 6点起床 看情况
  Sometimes I try to wait till the kids leave for school,so that's about 7:30 有时等到孩子上学了我才锻炼 大概都要7点半了
  If I have an early day,It would be about 6,5:30.But I work out every day.For how long 如果时候尚早 就5点半 6点半 但我每天都有锻炼 锻炼多久
  About an hour and a half.An hour and a half.Do some cardio,then,then is that an hour on your arms,no.Cause your arms 大概一个半小时 一个半小时 做些有氧运动 然后 一个小时都在锻炼胳膊么 当然不是  你的胳膊
  Cardio and,Cardio and some weights,some plyomatrics kinda stuff,some.Push-ups 有氧运动 有氧运动 举重 还有一些增强性锻炼 俯卧撑呢
  Push-ups,yes,some push-ups.How many push-ups can you do? cause I like to do a push-up 还有俯卧撑 能做多少 我很喜欢做俯卧撑
  I,you know,I don't know.I can do some,can you? 我不知道 能做一些 你呢
  I can do some,I just want to know if you could do more push-ups than I could do 我能做一些 就想知道 你能不能比我做得多
  You know,depends on how your back is,I know you get this back issues.No,no,no,no.come on,all right 这得看你的背怎么样了 我可是听说你的背不太好 没有的事 来吧 好吧
  Where do you wanna,where do you wanna do this Ellen.Where're gonna do this.You wanna do it one at a time,and we count.You wanna do it together.Or how do you wanna do this 在哪做那 我们在哪儿做呢 艾伦 在哪做那 你是想轮流做 计数 还是一起做 或者你想怎么做
  I think we should do it together.All right,together.Together,all right.All right,you're ready?Yeah.All right 我觉得我们应该一起做 可以 一起来 一起 准备好了吗 好啦 好