
   That's true,though you can look at me like it's not 真的 虽然你可以用不相信的眼光看我

  I'm Taylor Swift,I would like to be dating with blank.Nobody 我是Taylor Swift 我想跟谁约会 没人
  I'm Taylor Swift,my publicist told me to say blank 我是Talor Swift 我的宣传代理人告诉我说出什么
  My publicist told me that don't answer any personal questions.Ok now we getting somewhere 我的宣传代理人说不要回答任何私人的问题 好吧 那我们可有得聊了
  My favorite color is blank,Purple.No,mine,I didn't say Taylor's.Blue.Yes. 我最喜欢的颜色是 紫色 不 是我的 我没说Taylor喜欢的 蓝色 回答正确
  The last person I kissed was blank 我最后一个吻的人是
  I got a eight years old kid in audience last night.that's gross.You were disgusting 我昨晚吻了一个八岁的小观众 真下流 真让人恶心
  It was on the cheek,It wasn't like a.Anything at all that's we are not going to look back 只是在面颊上轻轻一下 又不是 我们也不能回放 这里要说的事情太多了
  There is too many things about whole real about the taste 我是说关于那个味道
  I'm Taylor Swift and I wash my hair every blank.One and a half days 我是Taylor Swift 我多久洗一次头 一天半一次
  So half will be in the afternoon.No,it's just not fully two 所以一次是在下午咯 不是 因为不是整整两天
  It's not one cause sometimes it's different so just as far as like,Mathematicly putting together,an average,there will be the average 也不是一天 每次不一样 而是 用数学的方法加起来再平均 是个平均数
  Let's talk about your time in prison.Emm,I didn't go to prison.No,No. 我们聊聊你在监狱里的事情吧 额 我没去过监狱 没有吗 没有
  I'm sorry,I'm thinking of my questions for T.I. 真不好意思 我这个问题是要问T.I.的