
   David is always involved in so many different types of charity 大卫一直积极参与各种慈善活动

  you are good good man and recently you went to senegal and tell us about what's happening,what you doing now 你是个善良的人 最近你去塞内加尔 和我们说说都发生了些什么 还有现在的情况呢
  I went to senegalin Africa for malaria no more,because a child dies every 45 seconds of malaria 我去了非洲的塞内加尔为了那里的疟疾医疗 因为在那每45秒就有个孩子因为疟疾而死亡
  and they are really amazing charity if you get to the cross red.com 他们是很棒的慈善组织 如果你登上红十字网站
  You can get little trinkets we brought back 你能弄到我们带回来的小装饰品
  and help the support,I mean it's all about education providing that's for people,we're doing amazing work there 而且这样支持了我们 这都是为了那里的人民提供教育 我们做了很有意义的事
  It's senseless too,It's mosquito bite,it's crazy.It's really about education 这事没道理 它是被蚊子叮咬而传播 的确就是教育能解决的问题
  We get that for them,help them out 我们为他们提供教育条件 帮助他们
  all right,thank you so much for doing that,you are an amazing guy.Giving back is part of the gift 感谢你所做的一切 你是个善良伟大的人 回馈是人性的一部分
  At least we can do,being in this fortunate position 至少我们比较幸运  能帮上忙
  Let's talk about the dance with the stars.Why did you want to do and how are you doing so far 谈谈你的舞蹈吧 为什么想做 现在练得如何了
  I'm exhausted.I do dance for like 5 hours a day,It's amazing 我精疲力尽了 每天跳5小时 感觉很棒
  Every bone aches,I'm starting to get a little situation.Really,that's great 身体的每个关节都感觉有点疲倦 不过 有点感觉了 不错嘛