美国小学英语教材3:第130课 神奇的鞋子(3)(在线收听

   Once or twice he stopped to pick flowers; but the shoes pinched his feet, and he ran on. 他停下一两次想去摘花,但是鞋子夹了他的脚,他只有继续往前跑。

  When the path led near the swamp, and he saw the lovely marsh-marigolds, he stopped. 当他沿着小路走到沼泽附近的时候,他看到了可爱的沼泽金盏花,于是停了下来。
  I must have some of them, he said. "They are like cups of gold!" 他说:“我一定要摘些金盏花,它们就像金色的杯子一样!”
  In a minute Tim forgot everything that his mother had said and began to climb down the high bank to the swamp. 不一会儿,蒂姆就忘了妈妈交代的事情,准备爬下高高的堤坝去往沼泽。
  Tim Learns A Lesson 蒂姆得到一次教训
  But what strange things the shoes were doing! 但是,鞋子做了多么奇异的事啊!
  As often as Tim turned toward the shining flowers, the fairy shoes turned back again toward school. 蒂姆一转向绽放的花朵,神奇的鞋子就转回学校的方向。
  They pinched and pulled and twisted until the boy was afraid that his ankles would be broken. 鞋子夹着他、拖着他、拧着他,直到他怕自已的脚踝受伤不敢动了才作罢。
  But Tim would not give up, and with hard work he climbed down to the swamp. 但是蒂姆还是不甘心,他费了很大的力气爬到了沼泽。
  When he got there, he could not find a flower near enough to pick. 他到达那里的时候,发现没有一朵花是在近处能够得着的。
  All the marigolds were far out in the swamp. 所有的金盏花都在沼泽的深处。
  The fairy shoes pulled and twisted, but Tim went on and on. 仙鞋又拉又拧,但是蒂姆还在不断往前走。
  At last he got near two or three of the golden flowers. 终于他靠近了两三株金色的花朵。
  I will have them! he said; and he gave a great jump. Down he sank into the swamp. 我会摘到它们的!”他说,然后使劲儿跳了起来,结果陷入了沼泽中。
  And when he pulled his feet out of the thick mud, off came the shoes that had given him so much trouble. 当蒂姆从厚重的泥巴里拉出自己的双脚时,那双给他带来许多麻烦的鞋子也脱掉了。
  "I'll just leave them here," he said crossly. "That will be the last of them!" “我就是要把它们留在这儿,”他气愤地说,“这就是它们的葬身之地。”
  Oh! how happy the little boy was! He went on easily now, and very soon was picking all the flowers he wanted. 啊!小男孩可真高兴啊!他现在轻松多了。很快,他就摘到了所有他想要的花朵。