向前一步:第161期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(19)(在线收听

 When Kristina wanted to take a relationship to the next level, she gave him another test. 当克里斯蒂娜想让关系更进一步时,她会再做一个小测试。

While working in emerging markets in the late 1990s, she would invite the guy to visit her for the weekend ... in Sao Paulo. 20世纪90年代末,由于忙于新兴市场的业务,她请男友周末去探班,当时她身在巴西的圣保罗。
It was a great way to find out if he was willing to fit his schedule around hers. 这很能看出他是否愿意配合她的日程安排。
The trials paid off. She found her Mr. Right and they have been happily married for fourteen years. 结果,这些小测试都成功了,她找到了自己的如意郎君。现在他们已经结婚14年,生活一直很幸福。
Not only is her husband, Daniel, completely supportive of her career, he's also the primary caregiver for their two children. 她的丈夫丹尼尔不仅完全支持她的事业发展,而且两个孩子也主要是由他来照顾。
Even after finding the right guy—or gal—no one comes fully formed. 即使在找对了生活伴侣之后,也没有一个人是完全准备好的。
I learned from my mother to be careful about role definition in the beginning of a relationship. 我从母亲那里学到,在一段关系的开始要小心处理角色的定位。
Even though my mother did most of the household work, my father always vacuumed the floor after dinner. 即使我母亲包揽了家里大多数家务,我父亲也常常在晚饭后打扫卫生。
She never had to persuade him to do this chore; it was simply his job from day one. 母亲从不去要求父亲做这些事,从一开始这活儿就是父亲在干。
At the start of a romance, it's tempting for a woman to show a more classic "girlfriendy" side by volunteering to cook meals and take care of errands. 在一段浪漫关系刚刚发展起来时,一个女人很容易表现出更“女朋友式”的做法,比如主动做饭、乐意处理各种琐事。
And, suddenly, we're back in 1955. 噢,我们瞬间穿越,回到了1955年。
If a relationship begins in an unequal place, it is likely to get more unbalanced when and if children are added to the equation. 如果一段关系刚开始时双方地位就不平等,那么在有了孩子以后,关系很可能会变得更不平衡。