向前一步:第162期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(20)(在线收听

 Instead, use the beginning of a relationship to establish the division of labor, 如果刚开始就建立起恰当的分工模式,

just as Nora Ephron's dialogue in When Harry Met Sally reminds us: 就像电影《当哈利遇上莎莉》中的一段对白提醒的那样:
Harry: You take someone to the airport, it's clearly the beginning of the relationship. 哈利:送某人去机场,这显然是一段关系的起点。
That's why I have never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship. 那就是为什么我从不在一段关系的开始送某人去机场。
Sally: Why? 莎莉:为什么?
Harry: Because eventually things move on and you don't take someone to the airport and I never wanted anyone to say to me, 哈利:因为要是后来关系还继续发展,我不送她去机场时可不想听到她说:
"How come you never take me to the airport anymore?" “你怎么再也不送我去机场了?”
If you want a fifty-fifty partnership, establish that pattern at the outset. 如果你想要一位能够平等相处的伴侣,那么从一开始就要建立起平等的关系。
A few years ago, Mark Zuckerberg and his partner, now wife, Priscilla Chan, 几年前,马克·扎克伯格和他的女友、现在的妻子普丽西拉·陈,
made a donation to improve the Newark, New Jersey, public school system and needed someone to run their foundation. 为完善新泽西纽瓦克市的公共学校系统捐助了一笔资金,并且需要专人来管理。
I recommended Jen Holleran, who had deep knowledge and experience in school reform. 我推荐了在学校改革方面经验丰富的杰·霍勒伦。
She also had fourteen-month-old twins and had cut her hours by two-thirds since their birth. 她自己有一对14个月大的双胞胎,有孩子后她的工作时间减少了2/3。
Her husband, Andy, is a child psychiatrist who was involved with raising the kids when he was home. 她的丈夫安迪是位小儿科医生,在家时会照顾孩子。
But once Jen had reduced her workload, she ended up being responsible for all of the household work, 不过,当霍勒伦的工作时间减少后,家里所有的活儿很快都落在了她身上,
including running errands, paying bills, cooking, and scheduling. 包括日常琐事、处理各种账单、做饭以及家庭日程安排。
When the offer came from Mark and Priscilla, 当扎克伯格和普丽西拉对霍勒伦发出了工作邀请时,
Jen wasn't sure she was ready to upset the current order by committing to a full-time job with frequent travel. 她不太确定自己是否已经准备好打乱目前的生活秩序,接受一份需要经常出差的全职工作。