
 Ok,so.Listen.Am I allowed to cut you off?I'm sort of.Yes,of course,you can do whatever you want. 好的 接下来 听着 我能打断你一下吗 当然 你想做什么都可以

I'm not gonna be rude,but a little birdie told me Ellen is not feeling her best today, 我不想无礼 有小朋友告诉我今天Ellen不太舒服
So,So I kissed you on your mouth.That's all right. 所以 所以我和你亲亲了 那没关系
I'll actually take your cooties anytime you wanna give it to me,okay. 亲亲你的小细菌 只要你愿意我随时乐意 好吧
So I'm just gonna take over the show,just for,just for a couple of minutes.A couple of seconds. 我要喧宾夺主一下 几分钟就好 几秒钟就好
Now day after day,month after month,year after year 日复一日 年复一年
Celebrities come out here,it doesn't matter who you are.Meryl Streep,Tom Cruise,no matter who you are 名人到这里来 不管是谁 Meryl Streep Tom Cruise 无论是谁
Ellen gives them underwear,right? Ellen送给他们内裤 对吧
So I thought it might be fun for a little payback. 我想给她个回礼会很有趣
So what I've got here in this little bag,I came out looking like Kanye West, 这个袋子里有 我出场穿得像Kanye West
Because I was trying to let you guys know that I got a little clothing line coming out,It will be out in the next six months,it's... 因为我想告诉大家 我开创了一个服装系列 六个月后就要面市了
I don't know what your color is,but I got you some little hotpants,booty shorts. 我不知道你喜欢什么颜色 但我给你带了些热裤 小短裤
Wow,So depending on who pursues who between you and Portia, 天啊 看你和Portia之间是谁追的谁
That one of you could have "Desire" on you back side.there you go.I love these,I love, 你们其中的一位穿“渴望” 给你 我很喜欢
And then I thought the other one could have "Cakes" on her back side. 另一位穿“蛋糕”在屁股后面