
 Thank you very much,I appreciate it. 非常感谢 非常感谢大家

Thank you for creating that wonderful wonderful sound, 谢谢你们创造了这么美妙的声音
We created a wonderful sound,If I could,I'd give each and every one of you a Grammy nomination for "Best applause" and "Best noise",so. 我们创造了一种美妙的声音 如果我能 我会给你们每个人一项格莱美提名 最佳掌声和最佳噪音
I need your applause today,my day did not start out so great. 今天我很需要掌声跟欢呼 我的一天开始得不是很顺利
This morning I hit every light on the way to work, 早上来工作的路上我“碰”到了每个红绿灯
The next time I'm gonna take the suncover off my windshield, 下次我该把遮阳布从车窗玻璃上掀掉
Because that's dangerous. 因为盖着还真危险
While I was driving,I heard a lot of honking, 开车路上我听到了很多的喇叭声
But it's the Canadian geese season and I was driving through the park,So maybe that was it, 但现在是加拿大鹅季 我又刚好是开过一个公园 所以也许是这个原因吧
Not the park,the pond,I actually went through the pond,again,the shield, 不是公园 是个池塘 我从一个池塘开了过去 不好意思 因为遮阳布
You know,I know that sometimes using your horn is necessary, 我了解有时候按喇叭是必要的
But some people use their horn too much,Do you agree with me?that there's too much,too much honking. 但有些人喇叭按太频繁了 你们同意吗 按太多了
Some people,it's like that they can't wait,they're driving just for the horn, 有些人太等不及了 感觉像是他们开车就是为了按喇叭一样
they can not wait to use the,that's like they are siting in the red light,with their hand on their horn, 迫不及待的要按喇叭 他们应该是等红灯的时候 手就放在喇叭上
Like it's a buzzer on Jeopardy or something like that,So the light turns,alright, 就像《Jeopardy》的按钮一样 一绿灯就 好的好的
And there's always a person in the middle of the traffic jam,who just starts honking, 而且在车队中总有那么一个人 第一时间就开始狂按喇叭
Like everybody else is just sitting there,waiting for someone to remind them to go.Oh,okay,I didn't know. 好像其他人都只是傻坐在那里 等着别人提醒已经绿灯了一样 哦 我没注意呢