
 But look ye, the only real owner of anything is its commander; and hark ye, my conscience is in this ship's keel.—On deck! 可是,你听着,唯一真正的船东就是这艘船的船长;记住,我的良心就在这艘船的龙骨里——。上甲板去!

Captain Ahab, said the reddening mate, moving further into the cabin, 亚哈船长,这个面红耳赤的大副一边说,一边向前跨进船长室里,
with a daring so strangely respectful and cautious that it almost seemed not only every way seeking to avoid the slightest outward manifestation of itself, 他的这种大胆行动可非常奇特,既带尊敬,又是小心翼翼,简直象是不仅尽量设法不让这股勇气丝毫有所外露,
but within also seemed more than half distrustful of itself; 而且心里也似乎很不相信有这股勇气似的;
"A better man than I might well pass over in thee what he would quickly enough resent in a younger man; aye, and in a happier, Captain Ahab." "一个比我好的人,尽管本来会立刻对年轻人,对一个更快乐的人感到不愉快,可是,他对你是一点也不会计较什么的,亚哈船长。"
Devils! Dost thou then so much as dare to critically think of me?—On deck! 鬼东西!你竟胆敢吹毛求疵地对我有意见了?——上甲板去!
Nay, sir, not yet; I do entreat. 不,先生,等一等;我请你原谅。
And I do dare, sir—to be forbearing! 我要冒昧地请你包涵一点,先生!
Shall we not understand each other better than hitherto, Captain Ahab? 难道我们到现在彼此还不能很好地了解么,亚哈船长?
Ahab seized a loaded musket from the rack (forming part of most South-Sea-men's cabin furniture), and pointing it towards Starbuck, exclaimed: 亚哈从网架上(这是大多数南海船的船长室里的家具之一)抓起一支实弹的滑膛枪,直指着斯达巴克叫道:
"There is one God that is Lord over the earth, and one Captain that is lord over the Pequod.—On deck!" "主宰人间的只有一个上帝,主宰'裴廓德号,的是船长——。上甲板去!"
For an instant in the flashing eyes of the mate, and his fiery cheeks, 在这个大副那双眨个不停的眼睛里,那张火红的脸上,
you would have almost thought that he had really received the blaze of the levelled tube. 一时间教人简直以为他真的挨到了那根瞄准的枪管的一枪了。