
 Top-heavy was the ship as a dinnerless student with all Aristotle in his head. 这艘头重脚轻的大船就象个装着满脑袋亚里士多德学说的枵腹的学者。

Well was it that the Typhoons did not visit them then. 还好,当时台风没来光顾他们。
Now, at this time it was that my poor pagan companion, 且说就在这时,我那个可怜的异教伙伴,
and fast bosom-friend, Queequeg, was seized with a fever, which brought him nigh to his endless end. 我的最知心的朋友,魁魁格却正害着热病,眼看快要结束他那无限的生命了。
Be it said, that in this vocation of whaling, sinecures are unknown; dignity and danger go hand in hand; 必须说明一下,在捕鲸这行业中,从来没有什么闲差使,显职跟危险是分不开的;
till you get to be Captain, the higher you rise the harder you toil. 就是做到了船长的地位,也是爬得越高,越是辛苦。
So with poor Queequeg, who, as harpooneer, must not only face all the rage of the living whale, 可怜的魁魁格也是这样,他作为一个标枪手,不但必须勇敢承当活鲸的一切狂暴,
but—as we have elsewhere seen—mount his dead back in a rolling sea; and finally descend into the gloom of the hold, 而且——一如我们已在另些地方看到的——还得在海浪滔滔的大海里,跨上那致人死命的鲸背;最后又得钻进阴暗的船舱里,
and bitterly sweating all day in that subterraneous confinement, resolutely manhandle the clumsiest casks and see to their stowage. 汗流浃背地镇天呆在那地下密室里,坚毅不拔地处理那些最笨重的油桶,把它们储藏得妥妥帖帖。
To be short, among whalemen, the harpooneers are the holders, so called. 总之,在捕鲸业中,标枪手就是所谓的管仓人。
Poor Queequeg! when the ship was about half disembowelled, you should have stooped over the hatchway, and peered down upon him there; 可怜的魁魁格!在这艘船已经出空了一大半时,你真该伏在舱口,往下朝他一望;
where, stripped to his woollen drawers, the tattooed savage was crawling about amid that dampness and slime, 在那里,这个刺花的野人赤裸着上身,穿着条羊毛裤,正在那湿漉漉而腻嗒嗒的地方爬来爬去,
like a green spotted lizard at the bottom of a well. 活象井底里一只绿点子的蜥蜴。
And a well, or an ice-house, it somehow proved to him, poor pagan; 那地方,不知怎地,好象就是这个可怜的异教徒的一口井,或者是一间冰屋;
where, strange to say, for all the heat of his sweatings, he caught a terrible chill which lapsed into a fever; 说也奇怪,尽管他在那里热得浑身是汗,却突然受了一阵可怕的寒气,发起寒热来了;
and at last, after some days' suffering, laid him in his hammock, close to the very sill of the door of death. 经过几天的折磨后,他终于躺在吊铺上,靠近死神的门槛了。