
 Leaning over in his hammock, Queequeg long regarded the coffin with an attentive eye. 魁魁格伏在吊铺上,神色专注地久久望着那口棺材。

He then called for his harpoon, had the wooden stock drawn from it, 然后,他叫人拿来他的标枪,卸掉木柄,
and then had the iron part placed in the coffin along with one of the paddles of his boat. 将那铁器跟他小艇上的一把桨一起放进了棺材里。
All by his own request, also, biscuits were then ranged round the sides within; 一切都出自他本人的要求,棺材里的四周还都排满着硬面包;
a flask of fresh water was placed at the head, and a small bag of woody earth scraped up in the hold at the foot; 在头部的地方放着一罐淡水,脚端放着一小袋从舱里抓来的含有木屑的泥土;
and a piece of sail-cloth being rolled up for a pillow, 另外还有一只用一团帆布卷成的枕头,
Queequeg now entreated to be lifted into his final bed, that he might make trial of its comforts, if any it had. 于是魁魁格就请求人们把他抬进他那最后的眠床里,说是想试一试是否舒适。
He lay without moving a few minutes, then told one to go to his bag and bring out his little god, Yojo. 他一动不动地在那里面躺了几分钟后,又叫人到他那只手提包里去拿出他那只小木偶约约来。
Then crossing his arms on his breast with Yojo between, he called for the coffin lid (hatch he called it) to be placed over him. 于是他叉起双臂把约约搂在胸上,要求人们把棺材盖(他管它叫舱口盖)给盖上去。
The head part turned over with a leather hinge, and there lay Queequeg in his coffin with little but his composed countenance in view. 那只棺材头本来就有一块可以翻过来的皮铰链,魁魁格就这样神情安详地躺在里边。
"Rarmai" (it will do; it is easy), he murmured at last, and signed to be replaced in his hammock. "拉米,"(行,很舒服)他最后喃喃道,同时示意把他重新搬上吊铺。
But ere this was done, Pip, who had been slily hovering near by all the while, 可是,在把他搬上吊铺以前,那个一直在旁边偷偷地钻来钻去的比普,
drew nigh to him where he lay, and with soft sobbings, took him by the hand; in the other, holding his tambourine. 走到魁魁格身旁,轻声呜咽着,一只手抓着魁魁格的手,另一手拿着他那只小手鼓。