新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson52:ADVENTUROUS EXPERIENCES冒险的经历(在线收听

766. I spent this summer fighting forest fires.
767. My brother is a rodeov rider.
768. John is a New York City firefighter.
769. She was trappedw on a mountain in Tibet for almost a day.
770. His raftx turned over in rough whitewatery.
771. Have you ever seen a bullfightz in Spain?
772. I love bungee cord jumping.
773. The adrenalin{ rush is incredible.
774. I live for excitement.
775. I’m planning to climb Mount Denali in Alaska.
776. I was worried that I would chicken| out the first time I tried it, but I found out that you get so caught up in the excitement that you don’t have time to be scared.
777. Everything happens so quickly that you won’t have time to start worrying.
778. Not everyone can say that they’re climbed some of the tallest mountains in the world.
779. Every year some people are killed falling off cliffs}, getting caught in avalanches~, or from exposure to the elements.
780. I prefer to rough it when I go camping.
1. adventurous    [Ed5ventFErEs]  a. 爱冒险的;大胆的
2. rodeo         [5rEudiEu]      n. 马术竞赛会;牧人套马表演会
3. trap          [trAp]         v. 使落入圈套(或困境)
4. raft          [rB:ft]         n. 木排,木筏;筏子
5. whitewater    [7wait5wC:tE ]  n. 白色水域;急流
6. bullfight         [5bJl7faIt]      n. 斗牛
7. adrenalin      [E5drenElin]    一阵兴奋(或激动)
8. chicken out      [5tFikin  aut]    因害怕而不敢做某事
9. cliff               [klif]          n. 悬崖,峭壁
10. avalanche      [5AvE7lB:ntF]   n.  雪崩
