
Trump’s Next Challenge: Emboldened and Empowered Democrats

Thank You, Mississippi. It is great to be here.President Trump campaigning for a Republican Senate candidate in Mississippi, and perhaps offering a preview of his own re-election portion in 2020.


Under Republican leadership, America is booming, America is thriving,and America is winning again, winning like never before.We’re respected again, we’re respected again as a nation.But Trump faces a new reality in January when Democrats assume control of the House of Representatives, as a result of the recent midterm elections.Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, “so the American people voted for a change.They voted for a check on President Trump and a Congress that would stop trying to take away their health care, after two long years that’s what they’ll get.”


Trump must now deal with a new balance of power in Washington, says analyst John Fortier.Democrats will be in charge of the House of Representativesand will be able to investigate the president in a way that they haven’t being in the minoritythat will allow them a platform to really highlight the differences with the president on a number of issues.

分析师John Fortier表示,特朗普现在就必须处理美国的新权力平衡问题。民主党将主管众议院,并将能够以一种他们未对少数群体的进行过的方式对总统进行调查,这将使他们有一个平台,真正突出他们在很多问题上与总统的分歧。

Some Democrats may be open to trying to find common ground to work with the President on issues like infrastructure improvement,but Trump’s confrontational political style is a major complication, says analyst Jim Kessler.It raises the price of whatever deal he wants to seek with Democrats,so if he wants a deal, he’s gonna have to act like someone who actually wants a deal not someone who just wants to fight and be the center of the circus.The great unknown for Trump is what may come of the ongoing Russia probe,led by Special Counsel Robert Muller which may be moving toward a conclusion.

分析师Jim Kessler表示,一些民主党人可能愿意在基础设施改善等问题上寻求与总统合作的共同点,但特朗普的对抗性政治风格是一个主要的复杂因素。特朗普的风格让其与民主党人达成交易变得困难,所以如果他想要达成交易,他必须得表现的像真正想要达成协议的样子,而不是一心只想斗争、只想成为目光中心。对于特朗普来说,最大的未知之处可能是正在进行的俄罗斯调查,这个调查由特别顾问罗伯特·穆勒领导,该调查即将得出结论。

Trump has blasted the investigation as a witch-hunt but the outcome remains a political mystery, says analyst Elaine Kamarck.We don’t know what Muller has.We don’t know when he’s going to drop it.We don’t know if next week we’re gonna open the papers and see, you know, 15 more indictments.That’s what’s hanging over this administration.

分析师Elaine Kamarck说,特朗普认为这个调查就是一场政治迫害,但调查的结果仍然是政治谜团。我们不知道穆勒调查出了什么。我们不知道穆勒什么时候停止调查。我们不知道是不是下周我们打开报纸会看到另外15份起诉书。这就是本届政府悬而未决的事情。

Cindi defied the Democrats smear machine.Trump can take some comfort from Tuesday’s victory by Republicans Cindy Hide-Smith in a Mississippi Senate racethat leaves Republicans with an expanded 53 to 47 seat majority in the Senate for the next two years.

Cindi蔑视民主党的抹黑。周二,共和党人Cindy Hide-Smith在密西西比参议院竞选中取得胜利,特朗普从中获得可以获得一些安慰,该竞选使共和党人在接下来的两年中在参议院中获得53至47席的多数席位。
