
 Tinning, who worked odd jobs as a waitress and school-bus driver, admitted precious little to anyone about the 13-year period when her children began mysteriously dying, beginning seven years after her marriage in 1965. 廷宁曾做过服务员和校车司机这些零工。1965年在她结婚7年后她的孩子开始神秘死亡,在13年的时间里,她几乎不向任何人透露什么。

Doctors initially attributed many of the deaths to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a diagnosis that forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden says was often mistakenly made at the time. 医生们最初将许多婴儿猝死归咎于婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS),法医病理学家迈克尔·巴登博士说,当时经常出现这种误诊。
"Babies who are suffocated have similarities to SIDS in autopsy," says Baden, who worked with prosecutors on the Tinning case. “在尸检中,被闷死的婴儿与小婴儿有相似之处,”巴登说,他与廷宁这个案子的检察官曾经是同事。
"But SIDS babies do not turn blue." “但死于婴儿猝死综合症的婴儿不会浑身发青。”
Any chance the Tinning children died due to a rare hereditary disorder—something doctors considered after multiple infants' deaths—was discounted by medical professionals when the Tinnings' adopted son Michael also died. 廷宁的孩子们可能死于一种罕见的遗传性疾病,在多名婴儿死亡后,医生们这样考虑。然而他们的养子迈克尔也去世了,医护专家的这个想法就有所转变。
"Adopting a child doesn't transfer your genetic code to them," says pathologist Dr. Vincent DiMaio, who also worked on the Tinning case. “收养孩子并不会把你的遗传密码遗传给他们,”病理学家文森特·迪马乔博士说,当时他也参与了廷宁的案子。
"She's a serial killer, plain and simple." “她是个连环杀手,仅此而已。”
When Tinning confessed to killing Tami Lynne, she said she had also killed weeks-old Timothy and 5-month-old Nathan, but she later recanted those confessions. 当廷宁承认杀害了塔米·琳恩时,她说她还杀害了几周大的蒂莫西和5个月大的南森,但后来她收回了这些供词。
Prosecutors decided not to charge Tinning for her other children's deaths because "there wasn't any new evidence to go on other than the fact that she was convicted of smothering her final child," explains current Schenectady County D. A. Robert Carney. 检察官决定不起诉她的其他孩子的死亡,理由是“除了她被判导致她最后一个孩子窒息这个事实之外,没有任何新的证据可以继续下去,”现任斯克内克塔迪县检察官罗伯特·卡尼解释道。
As the date nears for Tinning's release, her former neighbors are struggling with the news of her return. 随着廷宁获释的日期临近,她的前邻居们正在为她回来的事而发愁。
Dorothy Posluszny, 74, still remembers an afternoon in March 1981 when Tinning ran out of her house screaming that Michael had cut his head after falling down some stairs. 74岁的多萝西·波士鲁兹尼(Dorothy Posluszny)还记得1981年3月的一个下午,廷宁从家里跑出来,尖叫着说迈克尔从楼梯上摔下来后割到了头。
Soon afterward he was dead, one year after her eighth child, 4-month-old Jonathan, died of what was diagnosed as cardiopulmonary arrest. 不久之后,他就去世了,就在一年前,她的第8个孩子,4个月大的乔纳森,被诊断为心肺骤停而死亡。
"When Michael passed away, I told myself, 'Oh my God, something's not right,' " recalls Posluszny. “当迈克尔去世时,我对自己说,‘天哪,有些不对劲,’”波士鲁兹尼回忆道。
"I wondered, 'Did she push that poor little kid? Did he really fall?' All of those babies . . . I don't know." “我在想,‘她是不是推了那个可怜的小孩?他真的摔倒了吗?’所有那些婴儿……我不知道。”
And Audrey Hotaling, 53, who babysat Michael at church and still remembers him as a "sweet, sweet boy with big brown eyes and dark curly hair," admits bursting into tears when she heard the news of Tinning's parole. 53岁的奥黛丽·霍塔林(Audrey Hotaling)当时在教堂照顾迈克尔,至今仍记得他是一个“很可爱的、很可爱的男孩,有着棕色的大眼睛和黑色的卷发”,听到廷宁获释的消息,她哭了。
"I never dreamed she'd get out of prison, that there would be a day when I'd run into her in the grocery store," she says. "I don't want to see her face." “我从没想过她会从监狱里出来,有一天我会在杂货店碰到她,”她说。“我不想看到她的脸。”