
 But after graduating high school Walker took a break from acting to move to Huntington Beach and do what he loved most—surfing. 但高中毕业后,沃克暂时离开演艺圈,搬到了亨廷顿海滩,做他最喜欢的冲浪运动。

But when bill collectors began calling, he returned to show business, landing roles in films like Pleasantville. 但当生活吃紧时,他又回到演艺圈,出演《欢乐谷》(Pleasantville)等电影。
A few years later he was cast as undercover cop Brian O'Conner in 2001's The Fast and the Furious. 几年后,他在2001年的《速度与激情》中饰演卧底警察布莱恩·奥康纳。
The series, with its elaborate racing stunts, turned him into an action star. 这个系列电影精心制作了赛车特技,把他变成了动作明星。
But to friends and family he remained the same down-to-earth guy—especially to his brother Cody, to whom he was like a second father after their parents split up in 2004. 但对朋友和家人来说,他依然是一个脚踏实地的人——尤其是对他的弟弟科迪来说,2004年他们的父母离异后,他就像他的第二个父亲。
"Paul stepped up in a big way for me and took me on trips all over the world and taught me what it was to be genuine," says Cody. 科迪说:“保罗在帮了我很多,他带我周游世界,教会了我什么是真诚。”
"He had a huge impact on my life. I miss him every day because he was just someone I could call at 2 a.m. just because there was something I needed to get of my chest." “他对我的生活产生了巨大的影响。我每天都很想念他,因为他是一个我有话想倾诉就可以在凌晨2点打电话的人。”
His Role As a Father 成为父亲
When Walker was 24, he learned that his on-and-off girlfriend since high school, Rebecca Soteros, was pregnant. "He was scared," Cheryl says in the documentary. 沃克24岁的时候,他得知自高中以来与他分分合合的女友丽贝卡·索特罗斯怀孕了。“他很害怕,”谢丽尔在纪录片中说。
"Emotionally I wasn't there yet, because I didn't even know who I was," Walker once said. 沃克曾经说过:“从情感上来说,我还没到那一步,因为我甚至不知道自己是谁。”
Soteros moved with Meadow to Hawaii while Walker tried to find a balance between work and fatherhood. 索特罗斯和梅多搬到了夏威夷,而沃克则试图在工作和做父亲之间找到平衡。
"He carried a lot of guilt for not being there all the time," says Cody, though Walker would often travel to Hawaii for visits or fly Meadow to his sets. 科迪说:“他一直为没有待在她们身边而感到内疚,”虽然沃克经常去夏威夷或带梅多到他的片场,
A year before his death Meadow decided to move to California and live with Walker, and they grew extremely close. " “在他去世前一年,梅多决定搬到加利福尼亚和沃克住在一起,他们的关系变得非常亲密。”
She moved back to L.A., he's really excited about it, and then poof, he was gone," says Caleb. (Neither Soteros nor Meadow is part of the film.) “她搬回了洛杉矶他真的很兴奋,然后噗的一声,他就走了。”凯莱布说。(索特罗斯和梅多都不是这部电影的角色。)
Today Meadow, 19, who reached a settlement against Porsche in a wrongful-death suit in 2017, is a model in New York City, and the family says they're not as close to her as they would like to be. 如今,19岁的梅多(Meadow)在2017年与保时捷(Porsche)就一起不当死亡诉讼达成和解,现在她是纽约市的一名模特,家人们都认为和她不够亲近。
"Whenever she decides she wants to be a part of my life, I'm here for her," says Cody. 科迪说:“每当她决定要参与我生活的时候,我都会陪在她身边。”
"But I'm giving her space until she's ready. Everybody has their own way of dealing with loss. When she lost her dad, she lost her very best friend." “但我会给她空间,直到她准备好。每个人都有自己处理失去的方法。当她失去父亲时,她失去了她最好的朋友。”
Says Walker's father: "Paul thought the world of her. No father loved a child more than he did Meadow." 沃克的父亲说:“保罗认为她就是他的世界。没有哪个父亲像他爱梅多那样爱一个孩子。”