人物:Lady GAGA-一个明星的重生(3)(在线收听

 Despite the heartbreak, as she's sold more than 27 million albums and won six Grammys, the only thing that's ever really been able to come between Gaga and her art has been actual physical pain. 尽管伤心欲绝,Gaga已经卖出了2700多万张专辑,赢得了6次格莱美奖,但她和她的艺术之间唯一真正能够分出界限的就是身体上的疼痛。

After fracturing her hip during a performance in 2013, Gaga was left struggling with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition thought to be caused by misfiring nerve endings, forcing her to cancel a slew of shows. 2013年,Gaga在一场演出中髋部骨折,之后一直饱受纤维肌痛之苦。纤维肌痛是一种慢性疼痛,据信是由神经末梢失灵引起的。因此她不得不取消了一些演出。
She had previously discovered she tested "borderline positive" for lupus, a disease that can cause fatigue. 此前,她发现自己对红斑狼疮(一种会导致疲劳的疾病)的检测呈“边缘阳性”。
Tapping into her pain—"Do I look pathetic?" she asks in Five Foot Two as she cries before heading to a recording session—is not new to the star. 深入了解这种病痛对她来说并不陌生:录制《五尺二寸》之前她哭了,她在其中问道:“我看起来可怜吗?”
Upon landing the role of Ally, she realized that her own unwavering career confidence was far removed from her character's insecurities. 在得到爱丽这个角色后,她意识到自己对事业坚定不移的信心与角色的不安全感相去甚远。
Then Gaga remembered adolescence. "What I had to do was go back further into my childhood, into my high school years," she told People of finding a source for Ally's fear and insecurity. 然后Gaga想起了青春期。“我要做的是回到我的童年,回到我的高中时代,”她告诉《人物》(People)杂志,她找到了爱丽的恐惧和不安全感的根源。
"That's where I went...to be vulnerable, to be my authentic self." “这就是我要做的……变脆弱,做真实的自己。”
To help others struggling the way she once did, Gaga, a staunch LGBTQ -rights advocate, and her mother started the Born This Way Foundation (named for her 2011 self-empowerment anthem) in 2012 to encourage young people to create "a kinder and better world." 为了帮助那些像她曾经那样挣扎的人,Gaga,一个坚定的LGBTQ权利倡导者,和她的母亲在2012年创立了Born This way基金会(以她2011年的自创歌曲命名),以鼓励年轻人创造“一个更善良、更美好的世界”。
Understanding the need for a strong support system, she remains close to her parents and her younger sister Natali and keeps a close inner circle, with Carino at the center. 她明白自己需要一个强有力的支持系统,因此她与父母和妹妹纳塔利保持着密切的关系,并有一个密友圈,核心人物是卡里诺。
The couple mostly keep a low profile, but spending time together in New York City this past spring, "they were inseparable," a source says. 这对情侣大多都很低调,但今年春天他们在纽约共度时光,“他们形影不离,”一位消息人士说。
After Kinney "she wasn't expecting to find love with Christian so quickly," says an insider, "but things just became serious very fast. 在金尼之后,“她没有想到会这么快就和克里斯蒂安坠入爱河,”一位知情人士说,“但是事情很快就变得严肃起来。
Christian is a good, grounding force and understands her career. She's in a great place now." 克里斯蒂安给她强劲的、全面的支持,理解她的事业。她现在的处境很好。”
Though acting has long been a passion—she won a Golden Globe in 2016 for her role on American Horror Story — Gaga won't fully be going Hollywood: She is now gearing up for a Las Vegas residency at the MGM to begin in December. 尽管她一直热衷于表演——她凭借在《美国恐怖故事》(American Horror Story)中的角色获得了2016年金球奖(Golden Globe)——Gaga不会完全进入好莱坞:她现在正准备从12月开始在米高梅(MGM)拉斯维加斯分部实习。
Still, with Oscar talk for her work in A Star Is Born, it may seem that Gaga has found the newest version of herself until, chameleon-like, she sheds this incarnation as well. 尽管如此,正如她在奥斯卡谈到的她在《一个明星的诞生》中的工作,Gaga似乎找到了自己的最新版本,直到她像变色龙一样摆脱了这个化身。
Not so, says her pal Sullivan. "The Gaga you see now with the hair and the Gucci dress on the red carpet? That's who she really is. That's who she was all along," he says of a woman who always knew she was meant for great things. 她的朋友沙利文说,事实并非如此。“你现在看到的那个红地毯上那种发型,穿着古奇礼服的Gaga,这才是她真正的身份。她一直以来就是这个样子。”他这样谈到这个总是知道自己注定要成就一番伟业的女人。
No wonder, then, that she seems to be enjoying every minute of it. 难怪她看起来总是享受每一分钟。
Each morning, "I like to take a moment for myself outside," she told People while promoting the film last month. 上个月,她在宣传这部电影时告诉《人物》(People)杂志:“每天早上,我都喜欢在外面呆一会儿。”
"To just look out in the world." These days she has every reason to like what she sees. “就想看看外面的世界。”现在她完全有理由喜欢她所看到的一切。