
 Secrets I've Never Told 我从未谈及的秘密

Born Anna Mae Bullock, Turner was known as "Little Anna Mae" when she was a child singing in stores and at picnics around her Nutbush, Tenn., home. 特纳原名安娜·梅·布洛克(Anna Mae Bullock),小时候在家乡田纳西州纳特布什(Nutbush)的商店和野餐会上唱歌,人们叫她“小安娜·梅”(Little Anna Mae)。
Later, as a teen in St. Louis, she first laid eyes on the musician who would make her a star. 后来,十几岁时在圣路易斯,她第一次见到了这位让她成为明星的音乐家。
Ike wasn't conventionally handsome—actually, he wasn't handsome at all—and he certainly wasn't my type. 艾克不是传统意义上的帅哥——事实上,他一点也不帅——而且他也不是我喜欢的类型。
I was used to high school boys who were clean-cut, athletic, and dressed in denim, so Ike's processed hair, diamond ring, and skinny body looked old to me, even though he was only 25. 我已经习惯了整洁、健壮、穿着牛仔的高中男生,所以艾克做过的头发、钻戒和瘦削的身体在我看来很老,尽管他才25岁。
I couldn't help thinking, "God, he's ugly." She and her sister Alline became regulars at the Club Manhattan, where Ann grabbed a microphone one night during a break and started singing. 我不禁想,“天哪,他真丑。”她和姐姐艾琳成了曼哈顿俱乐部的常客,一天晚上休息时,安拿起麦克风开始唱歌。
My voice cut through the noise, forcing everyone, including Ike, to take another look at Little Ann. 我的声音穿透喧闹声中,迫使大家,包括艾克在内,对小安娜刮目相看。
He loved what he heard, and it was the music, not the usual boy/girl thing, that drew us together. Ike and I became fast friends, like brother and sister. 他喜欢他所听到的声音,是音乐,而非通常的男女之情,把我们联系在一起。艾克和我成了好朋友,就像兄妹一样。
She became a regular singer with Ike's group and fell for the sax player, bearing him a son, Craig, in 1957 when she was just 18. 她成了艾克乐队中的固定歌手,她就爱上了萨克斯手,1957年,年仅18岁的她生下了儿子克雷格。
The relationship didn't last, and by 1960, as Ann was juggling club gigs with work as a nurse's aide to care for the baby, her relationship with Ike turned sexual, and she was soon pregnant. 两人的关系并没有持续多久,到了1960年,安一边在俱乐部演出,一边担任照顾孩子的护士助理,她和艾克发生了性关系,她很快就怀孕了。
She made her first studio recording—"A Fool in Love," which Ike wrote—in 1960, and after Sun Records paid him $25,000 for it, Ike changed the name of their act to the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. 1960年,她出了第一张录音室唱片《恋爱中的傻瓜》(A Fool in Love),是艾克创作的。太阳唱片公司付给艾克2.5万美元后,他将他们的组合更名为Ike and Tina Turner Revue。
My relationship with Ike was doomed the day he figured out I was going to be his money maker. 在艾克发现我将成为他的赚钱机器的那天,我和艾克的关系就注定了要完蛋。
He needed to control me, economically and psychologically, so I could never leave him. 他需要从经济和心理上控制我,所以我永远不能离开他。
My new first name rhymed with "Sheena," a character he remembered from a TV series. 我的新名字和“希娜”押韵,他记得这是电视剧里的一个角色。
And "Turner," my new last name, implied that we were married (which we weren't). “特纳”,我的新姓氏,暗示着我们已经结婚了(其实我们并没有结婚)。
Ike actually registered a trademark on the name "Tina Turner" so it belonged to him. 艾克实际上用“蒂娜·特纳”这个名字注册了一个商标,所以它属于他。
I said I didn't want to change my name and wasn't sure I wanted to go out on tour. He was verbally abusive. 我说我不想改名字,也不确定我是否想出去巡回演出。他开始口头侮辱我。
Then, he picked up a wooden shoe stretcher. Ike knew what he was doing. If you play guitar, you never use your fists in a fight. 然后,他拿起一个木制的鞋架。艾克知道他在做什么。如果你弹吉他,你永远不会在战斗中使用拳头。
He used the shoe stretcher to strike me in the head—always the head. I was so shocked I started to cry. Ike ordered me to get on the bed. 他用鞋担架打我的头——总是打我的头。我震惊得哭了起来。艾克命令我躺在床上。
I hated him at that moment. The very last thing I wanted to do was make love, if you could call it that. 那一刻我恨他。我最不愿意做的事就是做爱,如果还能叫做爱的话。