美国国家公共电台 NPR Origins Of The Top Dog Names Of 2018: Pop Culture, Brunch, And Baby Names(在线收听



Roll over, Spot, Buddy and Rover. Say hello to Cardi B, Harry and Groot. These are just some of 2018's popular names for dogs.

KATE JAFFE: My name is Kate Jaffe. And I work at rover.com. And I'm here to talk about dog names.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: Dog name curator - who knew? - Jaffe says that pop-culture dog names are popular this year. Music idols, characters from movies, villainous names like Loki and Bane and Sid are up almost 20 percent. So...

JAFFE: In your neighborhood, there's a good chance there's a dog named Pennywise.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: Food names also got quite a bit of love, including brunch names...

JAFFE: ...Like Waffles and Muffin and Biscuit.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: But the most popular...

JAFFE: Dogs with human names are bubbling to the top - Max, Charlie, Cooper, Bella, Lucy and Luna. And that makes sense - right? - because pets are members of our family.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: Kate Jaffe has a dog, of course.

JAFFE: His name is Oso.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: That's bear in Spanish. My dog's name, Kiko, alas, didn't make the list.
