乔布斯传 第470期:高领衫和团队合作(5)(在线收听

 Jobs's experiences at NeXT had matured him, but they had not mellowed him much. 乔布斯在NeXT公司的经历使他成熟,却没有使他更圆熟。

He still had no license plate on his Mercedes, 他依然还没有给他的奔驰车挂牌照,
and he still parked in the handicapped spaces next to the front door, sometimes straddling two slots. 而且仍旧把车停在前门旁边的残疾人停车区,有时候还要占两个车位。
It became a running gag. Employees made signs saying, "Park Different," 这辆奔驰车成了一个“流动的笑话”。员工们还做了一个标志--“非凡泊车”,
and someone painted over the handicapped wheelchair symbol with a Mercedes logo. 更有甚者,把残疾人车位标志上的轮椅也改成了奔驰的标志。
People were allowed, even encouraged, to challenge him, and sometimes he would respect them for it. 员工们能够,甚至是被鼓励去挑战他,有时他还会因此而尊敬你。
But you had to be prepared for him to attack you, even bite your head off, as he processed your ideas. 但是在他处理你的意见时,你必须要准备好迎接他的回击,他甚至会把你骂个狗血淋头。
"You never win an argument with him at the time, but sometimes you eventually win," “你永远不可能当时就赢得这场辩论,不过有时你会在最后胜出。”
said James Vincent, the creative young adman who worked with Lee Clow. 和李·克劳一起工作的创意广告人詹姆斯·文森特说。
"You propose something and he declares, 'That's a stupid idea,' “你提出一些观点,他说:‘这是个愚蠢的想法。’
and later he comes back and says, 'Here's what we're going to do.' 之后他又回来,说:‘我们就这么做吧。’
And you want to say, 'That's what I told you two weeks ago and you said that's a stupid idea.' 你会忍不住想说:‘我两个星期前提出来的时候,你说这是个愚蠢的想法。’
But you can't do that. Instead you say, 'That's a great idea, let's do that.'" 但是你不能这么说,而只能说:‘这点子很棒,我们就这么做吧。’”