乔布斯传 第472期:从iCEO到CEO(1)(在线收听

 From iCEO to CEO 从iCEO到CEO

Ed Woolard, his mentor on the Apple board, pressed Jobs for more than two years to drop the interim in front of his CEO title. 两年多的时间里,乔布斯在苹果董事会的导师埃德·伍拉德一直在催促他把“临时”一词去掉。
Not only was Jobs refusing to commit himself, but he was baffling everyone by taking only $1 a year in pay and no stock options. 乔布斯不仅一直拒绝承认自己的职位,更让大家困惑的是,他每年只拿1美元年薪,而且也没有领取期权。
"I make 50 cents for showing up," he liked to joke, "and the other 50 cents is based on performance." 乔布斯对此开玩笑说:“50美分是出勤,另外50美分要看工作表现。”
Since his return in July 1997, 自从他1997年7月回归以来,
Apple stock had gone from just under $14 to just over $102 at the peak of the Internet bubble at the beginning of 2000. 苹果的股价已从将近14美元涨到了2000年初互联网泡沫时期的102美元以上。
Woolard had begged him to take at least a modest stock grant back in 1997, 1997年,伍拉德恳请他拿回一些股权,
but Jobs had declined, saying, "I don't want the people I work with at Apple to think I am coming back to get rich." 但是乔布斯拒绝了:“我不希望公司里的同事认为我是为了钱才回来的。”
Had he accepted that modest grant, it would have been worth $400 million. 如果他当初接受了伍拉德的请求,他的股票价值如今已达到4亿美元。
Instead he made $2.50 during that period. 但事实上,他这两年多只拿了2.5美元的工资。
The main reason he clung to his interim designation was a sense of uncertainty about Apple's future. 他坚持挂着“临时”名号的主要原因是他对苹果公司的未来有一种不确定感。
But as 2000 approached, it was clear that Apple had rebounded, and it was because of him. 但是随着2000年临近,很明显苹果已经东山再起了,而这都归功于他。
He took a long walk with Laurene and discussed what to most people by now seemed a formality but to him was still a big deal. 他和妻子劳伦一起散步时讨论了这件事,大多数人都认为这是水到渠成,而他却觉得这是个重大的决定。
If he dropped the interim designation, Apple could be the base for all the things he envisioned, 如果他去掉了“临时”一词,苹果公司将可能实现他所有的设想,
including the possibility of getting Apple into products beyond computers. He decided to do so. 包括让苹果进军计算机产业以外的市场。他最终作出了决定。