乔布斯传 第475期:从iCEO到CEO(4)(在线收听

 At the January 2000 Macworld in San Francisco, Jobs rolled out the new Macintosh operating system, OSX, 2000年1月,在旧金山的Macworld大会上,乔布斯发布了新的操作系统Mac OSX,

which used some of the software that Apple had bought from NeXT three years earlier. 其中使用了苹果公司3年前从NeXT购买的一些软件。
It was fitting, and not entirely coincidental, 这是个恰当的时机,不完全是巧合,
that he was willing to incorporate himself back at Apple at the same moment as the NeXT OS was incorporated into Apple's. 就在NeXT的操作系统被合并进苹果计算机时,乔布斯发觉自己也想“合并”回苹果公司。
Avie Tevanian had taken the UNIX-related Mach kernel of the NeXT operating system and turned it into the Mac OS kernel, known as Darwin. 阿维·泰瓦尼安把NeXT操作系统中基于NIX的Mach内核转换成了Mac OS内核--也被叫做“达尔文”。
It offered protected memory, advanced networking, and preemptive multitasking. 这种内核提供内存保护机制、升级的网络功能,以及抢先式多任务处理功能。
It was precisely what the Macintosh needed, and it would be the foundation of the Mac OS henceforth. 这正是麦金塔需要的操作系统,而且也为后来的Mac OS系统奠定了基础。
Some critics, including Bill Gates, noted that Apple ended up not adopting the entire NeXT operating system. 包括盖茨在内的一些批评人士发现,苹果并没有完全采用NeXT的操作系统。
There's some truth to that, because Apple decided not to leap into a completely new system but instead to evolve the existing one. 事实的确如此,因为苹果并不想直接推出一个与以往完全不同的新系统,而是想对现有的系统进行更新。
Application software written for the old Macintosh system was generally compatible with or easy to port to the new one, 老的麦金塔程序中的应用软件都适用于或易于转换到新系统中,
and a Mac user who upgraded would notice a lot of new features but not a whole new interface. 而苹果机的用户都会发现,升级后的系统多了很多新功能,而不仅仅是全新的界面。
The fans at Macworld received the news with enthusiasm, of course, Macworld大会上的苹果粉丝们对这一消息反应热烈。
and they especially cheered when Jobs showed off the dock and how the icons in it could be magnified by passing the cursor over them. 当乔布斯在展示系统桌面时,鼠标滑过使图标依次变大,大家爆发出阵阵欢呼。
But the biggest applause came for the announcement he reserved for his "Oh, and one more thing" coda. 但是,掌声最热烈的时刻是他每一次在结尾时的“保留节目”--“哦,还有一件事……”
He spoke about his duties at both Pixar and Apple, and said that he had become comfortable that the situation could work. 他谈了关于他在皮克斯公司和苹果公司的工作,并表示这种双重身份是行得通的。
"So I am pleased to announce today that I'm going to drop the interim title," he said with a big smile. “所以我今天很高兴地宣布,我要摘掉‘临时’这个帽子。”他微笑着说道。
The crowd jumped to its feet, screaming as if the Beatles had reunited. 人们激动地起立尖叫,就像是看到披头士乐队再聚首了一样。
Jobs bit his lip, adjusted his wire rims, and put on a graceful show of humility. 乔布斯咬了咬嘴唇,调整了一下金丝镜架,换上一副优雅而谦卑的面孔。
"You guys are making me feel funny now. “你们让我觉得有点儿不好意思了。
I get to come to work every day and work with the most talented people on the planet, at Apple and Pixar. 我每天都和世界上最聪明的人们一起工作,无论是在苹果还是在皮克斯。
But these jobs are team sports. I accept your thanks on behalf of everybody at Apple." 但是这些成就是团队合作的结果。我代表苹果公司的每一个人,接受你们的感谢。”