英语词汇---网球比赛 基本词汇(在线收听


Player 球员
one of the people involved in playing a game, e.g. tennis player or football player 参与比赛的人,比如网球运动员或者足球运动员

Singles 单打比赛
a two-player game 一场有两个人参加的比赛

Doubles 双打比赛
a four-player game 一场有四人参加的比赛

Serve 发球
a point begins with a player serving the ball. This means one player hits the ball towards the other player. (The serve must be played from behind the baseline and must land in the service box. Players get two attempts to make a good serve.)

Server 发球方
the player who hits the ball first for each point in a game 一局比赛中为得每一分而首先击球的球员

Receiver 接球方
the player who hits the ball back after a serve 接发球将球击回(对方场地)的球员
