留美老师带你每日说英文 第1098期:女人的口袋发展史(在线收听


From the 17th century through the 19th century women's pockets were these large detachable things that tied onto a woman's waist underneath her skirts. There were unfashionable, they were not very sightly, but they made perfect practical sense.


1.detachable 可拆下的;可分离的;可分开的
detachable (adj.) 可拆下的;可分离的;可分开的
non-detachable (n.) 不可分离的

2.tie 打结;系;缚;捆;扎
tie (v.) 打结;系;缚;捆;扎
tie the knot (phr.) 结婚

3.waist 腰;腰部
waist (n.) 腰;腰部

4.unfashionable 不时髦的,不流行的,过时的
unfashionable (adj.) 不时髦的,不流行的,过时的

5.practical 实际的;实做的;有实际经验的
practical (adj.) 实际的;实做的;有实际经验的
