美国小学英语教材3:第136课 感恩节面包(2)(在线收听

 Oh, said the little girl again, and she looked in surprise at the biggest boy. “哦!”小女孩再一次叹道。她惊讶地看着那个大男孩。

I have a penny, said she to the little lame boy, and you and I can have one of those small loaves together. 她对一个跛腿的小男孩说:我有一便士,你和我可以一起买一个小面包,
They have currants in them. So we shall not mind if the loaf is small. 里面也有葡萄干。我们不介意面包的大小。
No, indeed, said the little boy, whose face had grown sad when the biggest boy talked of the large loaf. "But you shall take the bigger piece." 是的,不介意,”小男孩说,他刚刚听到大男孩说大面包时,有些伤心,但是,你应该分到大的那块儿。”
After the Little Baker had made many loaves, he put them into the oven, while the children crowded closer, with happy faces. 小面包师做好了许多面包以后便把它们一放进烤箱。这时,孩子们露着一张张笑脸挤得更近了。
When the last loaf was in, the Baker shut the oven door with a clang so loud and merry that the children all began to laugh and shout and dance around the brown tent. 最后一块面包被放进了烤箱,面包师“哐啷”一声关上了烤箱门,声音很大也很欢快,所有的孩子都笑了起来,他们在棕色的帐篷周围一边喊着一边跳着。
Then the Little Baker sang this song: 这时,小面包师唱起了歌:
Clang! Clang! my oven door; 哐廊!哐啷!我的烤箱门;
My loaves will bake as never before; 我的面包烤法与以往不同;
And you shall play where shines the sun— 你们可以在阳光下玩耍;
I'll call you when the loaves are done. 面包好了,我来叫你们。
Off ran the children, laughing and looking back to where the Little Baker stood. 孩子们跑开了,一边笑着,一边回头看着小面包师站着的地方。
Some of them began to play hide-and-seek, their feet flying through the brown leaves on the ground. 他们中的一些人玩起了捉迷藏,他们的小脚儿飞奔在落满棕色树叶的地上。
And some ran home for pennies to buy a loaf when the Little Baker should call. 一些孩跑回家拿钱,等着小面包师叫他们买面包。
Buying the Loaves 买面包
So the time passed, until at last the children heard the Baker singing: 过了一段时间之后,孩子们终于听到了面包师的歌声:
The loaves are done, all white and brown, 面包烤好,又白又焦黄,
For every boy and girl in town. 镇上的孩子,人人都有份。
Come, buy Thanksgiving loaves and eat; 感恩节面包,快买来品尝,
But only Love can make them sweet. 只有爱能让它们又甜又香。