乔布斯传 第478期:顾客体验(3)(在线收听

 Johnson said that the size of a store signaled the importance of the brand. 约翰逊认为商铺的面积能够体现品牌的重要性。

"Is Apple as big of a brand as the Gap?" he asked. 他问道:“苹果有GAP那么大牌吗?”
Jobs said it was much bigger. 乔布斯说要比GAP大多了。
Johnson replied that its stores should therefore be bigger. "Otherwise you won't be relevant." 约翰逊于是说,那苹果零售店也应该比GAP的大。“否则你就是个无关紧要的牌子。”
Jobs described Mike Markkula's maxim that a good company must "impute" 乔布斯向他描述了迈克·马库拉的名言:一家好的公司要学会“灌输”,
it must convey its values and importance in everything it does, from packaging to marketing. 它必须竭尽所能传递它的价值和重要性,从包装到营销。
Johnson loved it. It definitely applied to a company's stores. 约翰逊很喜欢这个概念。这绝对可以应用到零售店中。
"The store will become the most powerful physical expression of the brand," he predicted. 他说:“零售店将成为品牌最强有力的实体表达。”
He said that when he was young he had gone to the wood-paneled, art-filled mansion-like store that Ralph Lauren had created at Seventy-second and Madison in Manhattan. 约翰逊描述了自己年轻时第一次踏进拉尔夫·劳伦开在曼哈顿麦迪逊大道与72街交叉口处的店铺时所看到的,四下镶嵌着木板、如大厦般宏伟的店面散发着艺术气息。
"Whenever I buy a polo shirt, I think of that mansion, which was a physical expression of Ralph's ideals," Johnson said. “每当我买了一件polo衫,我都会想起那栋大厦,是对拉尔夫理念的实体表达。”
"Mickey Drexler did that with the Gap. 他还说:“米基·德雷克斯勒对GAP也采取了同样的策略。
You couldn't think of a Gap product without thinking of the great Gap store 当你想到GAP品牌时,马上就会联想到它巨大的商铺
with the clean space and wood floors and white walls and folded merchandise." 洁净的空间、木质地板、白色墙面和整齐叠放的衣物。”
When they finished, they drove to Apple and sat in a conference room playing with the company's products. 结束了考察之后,他们开车回到公司,坐在会议室里把玩着公司的产品。
There weren't many, not enough to fill the shelves of a conventional store, but that was an advantage. 产品的数量不多,不足以装满一个传统意义上的商店,但这反而是一个优势。
The type of store they would build, they decided, would benefit from having few products. 他们决定要建立一个以“少”为特色的商店。
It would be minimalist and airy and offer a lot of places for people to try out things. 简约、通透,给人们提供很多试用产品的位置。
"Most people don't know Apple products," Johnson said. 约翰逊说:“大多数人并不了解苹果产品。
"They think of Apple as a cult. You want to move from a cult to something cool, 他们认为苹果是一个异类。如果你想要从异类变成炫酷有趣,
and having an awesome store where people can try things will help that." 那么建立一个能给人们提供试用空间的商店会很有帮助。”
The stores would impute the ethos of Apple products: playful, easy, creative, 商店风格也将沿袭苹果产品的特点:有趣、简单、时髦、有创意,
and on the bright side of the line between hip and intimidating. 在时尚与令人生畏之间拿捏得刚刚好。