乔布斯传 第479期:苹果样板店(1)(在线收听

 The Prototype 苹果样板店

When Jobs finally presented the idea, the board was not thrilled. 当乔布斯说出他开苹果零售店的设想时,董事会成员并未露出喜悦之情。

Gateway Computers was going down in flames after opening suburban stores, 他们促出,捷威计算机在开了郊区的零售店之后就走向了衰落,

and Jobs's argument that his would do better because they would be in more expensive locations was not, on its face, reassuring. 但是乔布斯认为他能够做得更好,因为苹果零售店将开在地段更昂贵的购物中心里,不过他的分析看来并没让董事会放心。

"Think different" and "Here's to the crazy ones" made for good advertising slogans, “非同凡想”和“致疯狂的人”可以拿来做不错的广告词,

but the board was hesitant to make them guidelines for corporate strategy. 但是董事会却在犹豫是否该把它们当成公司的战略方针。

"I'm scratching my head and thinking this is crazy," “我当时挠着头想,这点子可真够疯狂的。”

recalled Art Levinson, the CEO of Genentech who joined the Apple board in 2000. 亚瑟·莱文森回忆说,他在2000年被乔布斯邀请加入董事会,此前他是基因泰克公司的CEO。

"We are a small company, a marginal player. I said that I'm not sure I can support something like this." “我们是一家小公司,还比较边缘化。我说,我不敢确定自己会支持这种做法。”

Ed Woolard was also dubious. 埃德·伍拉德当时也对此表示怀疑。

"Gateway has tried this and failed, while Dell is selling direct to consumers without stores and succeeding," he argued. 他表示:“捷威就作过这样的尝试,最后失败了,而戴尔并没开零售店,通过直销也取得了成功。”

Jobs was not appreciative of too much pushback from the board. 乔布斯没有把董事会的阻挠放在心上。

The last time that happened, he had replaced most of the members. 最后一次讨论时,乔布斯已经换掉了董事会中的大部分成员。

This time, for personal reasons as well as being tired of playing tug-of-war with Jobs, Woolard decided to step down. 这一次,既是出于个人原因,也是因为不想再和乔布斯玩这种“拔河比赛”,伍拉德决定辞职。

But before he did, the board approved a trial run of four Apple stores. 不过在他辞职之前,董事会已经批准了开设4家苹果零售店,进行试运营。
