
 Speaking of sports,a man at the Brooklyn nets game last night,did you see this? 说到体育 大家知道吗 昨晚观看布鲁克林篮网队比赛的一名男子

Was removed for beating another fan with a prosthetic leg. 因为用假腿打另一名球迷而被赶出场
That's a true story,yeah. 真实的故事
Which is why the Brooklyn nets have decided to discontinue their annual prosthetic night.That was the problem. 所以布鲁克林篮网队决定 不再继续举办他们的年度假腿之夜了 问题出在这里呢
Instead of bobblehead,you get prosthetic leg.To rally leg you wiggle it and you want to win. 不给你摇头玩玩 而是假腿 呐喊助威的时候就摇假腿
Not supposed to hit anyone,No,no,just wiggle it. 你不该用它来打人的 不 只是摇晃
How is wiggling a false leg get your team going? 摇动假腿怎么能给你的球队助威啊
Come on guys,we can do it.That looked weird. 伙计们 你们能行的 看上去好怪
Strange story,it was reported a research lab at the university of Texas just found out it is missing 100 human brains. 奇怪的新闻 据报道 德州大学一研究室刚发现他们丢失了100颗人脑
Yeah,Texas police don't know who has the brain but they already ruled out governor Rick Perry.Which I think is interesting,because why,Nicely done,conan,yeah,yeah. 德州警察尚不知道是谁偷走了人脑 但他们已经排除了州长里克·佩里的嫌疑 我觉得很有意思 因为 不错 柯南 嗯
He's not very smart,why would even a dumb guy want 100?I don't know,my guest is zombie caterer. 他不怎么聪明 蠢人要100个脑子做什么 不知道 我猜是僵尸宴会承办人干的
Yes,that's very good.That's my guess.I'm no cop but I think probably zombie caterer. 很棒啊 我是这么想 我虽然不是警察 但我猜是僵尸宴会承办人
They eat brains,ah,screw it.I'm not helping you out. 他们吃脑子 得了吧 我才不要帮你呢