
 Joseph Gordon-Levitt coming up in a few minutes,Billy Eichner is here. 乔瑟夫·高登·李维待会儿就要出来了 比利·艾希纳也来作客

And I'm covered in snake spit.It was worth it.Totally.that was not a realistic looking snake. 我浑身是蛇口水 值得的 当然 那条蛇太假了
It looked like a bean bag chair.It's what we could afford.Yes. 活像豆袋椅 我们要不起别的了
Loot at that,you could see the metal hoops in the throat. 看啊 能看到喉咙里的金属圈
Go back to that.It's like a construction trap shoot. 回放一下 就像建筑工地上的管道
Look at its dead eyes.Oh,no,that's me.I konw. 看那无神的眼睛 那是我啦 我知道
I want to talk about something.Big story in the computer world. 我想说件事  电脑界有大新闻
If you happen to own a windows computer,computer with windows, 如果你有装windows系统的电脑
you know that when you buy it,it comes with all of this clip art and it has for years. 你就知道系统多年来 一直有一段剪贴画
It comes with clip art,already there.Well,I guess it wasn't that popular.Whatever. 有一些系统自带的剪贴画 应该是不怎么受欢迎
Microsoft has announced the're discontinuing the clip are that comes with windows.Discontinuing it. 微软称他们将不再为系统提供自带剪贴画了 不再提供了
Clip art graphics were terrible,there were corny.Nobody used them anymore.They were awful. 那些剪贴画很糟 俗气 现在都没人用了 很差劲
That's where I have to disagree.Ok.I'm a fan of fine art. 这就是我不同意的 我是美术迷
I know quality when I see it.I happen to be a bit of a collector. 我分辨得出什么是好画作 我还是位收藏家
So I spoke to Microsoft this morning the minute I heard the news. 所以我今早一听到这新闻 就去找了微软
I picked up the phone that's shaped like my hand,and I said.Your imaginary phone.My imaginary phone. 我拿起我手形状的电话 我说 你幻想的电话 我的幻想电话
No,I did.I called them and I said I want that art.You get rid of it,I want it. 真的 我打了电话 表示想要那些剪贴画 你们不要 我要
So I bought up the entire collection of Microsoft's windows clip art. 所以我买下了微软所有的剪贴画