留美老师带你每日说英文 第1108期:狗狗为什么会那么贴心(在线收听

 One study found that dog brains are highly adapted to recognize human faces and interpret our social cues. So, maybe that's why your dog is always extra sweet when it knows you've have a bad day.


1.adapt to sth 适应...
adapt to sth (phr.) 适应...

2.interpret 理解;解释;阐释
interpret (v.) 理解;解释;阐释

3.social cue 社会暗示
social cue (n.) 社会暗示
facial expression (n.) 表情


4.sweet 温和的;和蔼的;讨人喜欢的
sweet (adj.) 温和的;和蔼的;讨人喜欢的
