
 I want to ask you two questions. 我想请教您两个问题。

The first one is about data, because I have the impression 第一个是关于数据,因为我总有个印象,
that technology and data are changing the way competition takes place and the way competition regulation is designed and enforced. 认为科技和数据正改变竞争发生的方式和竞争法规设计与执行的方式。
Can you maybe comment on that? 您能给些看法吗?
Well, yes, it is definitely challenging us, because we both have to sharpen our tools but also to develop new tools. 是的,这确实是一大挑战,因为我们必须让我们的工具更先进,并同时开发新的工具。
When we were going through the Google responses to our statement of objection, we were going through 5.2 terabytes of data. 在处理谷歌对我们反对声明的回应时,总共经手了5.2兆兆字节的数据。
It's quite a lot. So we had to set up new systems. 十分庞大。所以,我们必须设立新系统。
We had to figure out how to do this, because you cannot work the way you did just a few years ago. 我们必须找出办法,因为你无法以几年前的方式运作。
So we are definitely sharpening up our working methods. 所以我们必须精进工作的方式。
The other thing is that we try to distinguish between different kinds of data, 另一件事是,我们试着分辨不同种类的数据,
because some data is extremely valuable and they will form, like, a barrier to entry in a market. 因为有些数据非常可贵,会形成进入市场的阻碍。
Other things you can just -- it loses its value tomorrow. 其他一些数据--隔了一天就没价值了。
So we try to make sure that we never, ever underestimate the fact that data works as a currency in the market 所以我们确保,我们知道数据就如市场中的货币,
and as an asset that can be a real barrier for competition. 也可能是阻碍竞争的资产。
Google. You fined them 2.8 billion euros a few months ago. 您几个月前罚款谷歌28亿欧元。
No, that was dollars. It's not so strong these days. 不,是美元。美元最近不怎么强势。