美国语文第六册 第106期:战争(2)(在线收听

 The havoc rages. The ground is soaked with their commingling blood. 这场惨绝人寰的大破坏还将猛烈地肆虐下去。血流漂杵。

The air is rent by their commingling cries. 空气中弥漫着他们撕心裂肺的哀鸣。
Horse and rider are stretched together on the earth. 到处都是战马和骑手。
More revolting than the mangled victims, than the gashed limbs, than the lifeless trunks, than the spattering brains, 比面目全非的死者,伤痕累累的残肢,没有生命迹象的躯体和到处飞溅的脑浆更令人厌恶的是,
are the lawless passions which sweep, tempest-like, through the fiendish tumult. 像暴风雨一样在极度混乱中蔓延的无法无天的狂热。
Horror-struck, we ask, wherefore this hateful contest? 我们被大屠杀场面震撼了,不禁要问这场令人憎恨的纷争为什么会发生呢?
The melancholy, but truthful answer comes, that this is the established method of determining justice between nations! 悲哀但确实的答案就是,这竟然是国家之间做出公平裁决的约定俗成的方式!
The scene changes. 场景改变了。
Far away on the distant pathway of the ocean two ships approach each other, with white canvas broadly spread to receive the flying gales. 在遥远的大洋航线上,两艘船彼此靠近,都迎风将白色的船帆展开。
They are proudly built. 这两艘造得都富丽堂皇。
All of human art has been lavished in their graceful proportions, and in their well compacted sides, 船身优雅的比例和结实的船体无不体现了人类的巧夺天工,
while they look in their dimensions like floating happy islands on the sea. 看上去就像在海上漂浮着的纵浪欢腾的小岛。
A numerous crew, with costly appliances of comfort, hives in their secure shelter. 船上有很多船员,配有价值不菲的舒适装置,在安全的遮蔽处藏身。