夏说英语新闻晨读 第489期:金球奖华裔入围(在线收听


Constance Wu has scored a Golden Globe best lead actress nomination, the first Asian woman in 44 years to be named in the category. Wu, who was nominated for her role in Crazy Rich Asians, said she was "ecstatic but also in shock". The Hollywood film, the first in 25 years to feature an all-Asian cast, also won a nomination for best film musical or comedy. It has so far made around $238m worldwide since its premiere in August.

score: vt. 得分;取得成绩
lead actress: 女主角
nomination:n. 提名
category:n. 类目
ecstatic:adj. 欣喜若狂的
cast:n. 演员阵容
musical:n. 音乐剧
premiere:n. 首映
