向前一步:第183期 全能女人是个神话(16)(在线收听

 A 2012 survey of employed adults showed that 80 percent of the respondents continued to work after leaving the office, 2012年一项对职业人士的调查显示,80%的调查对象在离开办公室后还会继续工作,

38 percent checked email at the dinner table, and 69 percent can't go to bed without checking their in-box. 38%的调查对象在餐桌上查收电子邮件,69%的调查对象上床前一定要再看看收件箱。
My mother believes that my generation is suffering greatly from this endless work schedule. 我母亲认为,我这一代人正因为这种无休止的工作时间而备受折磨。
During her childhood and mine, a full-time job meant forty hours a week — Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 在我的童年,一份全职工作意味着每周工作40个小时——从周一到周五,朝九晚五。
She tells me over and over, "There's too much pressure on you and your peers. 她总是跟我这样说:“你们这代人压力太大了,
It's not compatible with a normal life." 这不是正常的生活状态。”
But this is the new normal for many of us. 但对很多人来说,这就是生活的常态。
The new normal means that there are just not enough hours in the day. 属于我们这个时代的生活常态,意味着白天的时间总是不够用。
For years, I attempted to solve this problem by skimping on sleep, a common but often counterproductive approach. 多年来,我想方设法解决这个问题,比如克扣睡眠时间——这是最常用却常常导致低效的一种方式。
I realized my mistake partially from observing my children and seeing how a happy child can melt into a puddle of tears when he's shy a couple hours of sleep. 发现这种方式不可行,部分是出于我对孩子的观察,我看到他们会因缺觉几个小时就哭闹个不停。
It turns out that adults aren't much different. 事实证明,成年人也没什么不同。
Sleeping four or five hours a night induces mental impairment equivalent to a blood alcohol level above the legal driving limit. 每天只睡4到5个小时对大脑的损害,就好比超标的血液酒精含量对驾驶者的损害。
Sleep deprivation makes people anxious, irritable, and confused. (Just ask Dave.) 缺少睡眠会导致焦虑、易怒和思维混乱。(问戴夫就知道了)
If I could go back and change one thing about how I lived in those early years, I would force myself to get more sleep. 如果时光能倒流,让我对那些年的生活做一个改变,我会强迫自己多睡会儿。