美国小学英语教材4:第159课 年轻武士 西格德(5)(在线收听

 "Then why do you not ask the king to give you a horse?" said Regin. “那你为什么不向国王要一匹马呢?”雷金说。

"I have a horse and everything that I need," answered Sigurd. "Why should I ask for more?" 西格德回答说:“我有一匹马和我需要的一切,为什么还要更多呢?”
"But you have no war-horse," said Regin. “可你没有战马呀,”雷金说。
"Ask the king to let you choose a war-horse from the horses running free in the meadow." “请求国王准许你从草地上的奔马中挑选一匹战马。”
That evening Sigurd said to King Alf, "Will you give me a horse which I may ride to battle?" 那天晚上,西格德对阿尔夫国王说:“国王,您能不能给我一匹马,让我骑着去打仗?”
"Where will you go to battle?" asked the king. 国王说:“你要上哪里去打仗呢?”
"I do not know. But the time is coming when I must do great deeds, and I wish to be ready." “我不知道,但我做大事的时候到了,我希望做好准备。”
"Take whatever horse you wish, Sigurd," said King Alf, kindly. “想要什么马就拿吧,西格德,”阿尔夫国王和蔼地说。
Early next morning Sigurd went out to the meadow where the horses were grazing. 第二天一早,西格德来到草地上,马儿正在吃草。
Suddenly an old man dressed in gray stood before him. 突然,一个穿灰色衣服的老人站在他面前。
"What do you wish, Sigurd?" asked the stranger. “你想要什么,西格德?”陌生人问道。
"I wish to choose a horse," answered the boy. “我想选一匹马,”西格德回答说。
"But how do you know my name?" “可是你怎么知道我的名字呢?”
"I knew your father," said the old man. "He was a brave warrior, and I loved him." “我认识你父亲,”老人说。“他是个勇士,我喜爱他。”
"I know that you are wise, and I love you because you loved my father," said Sigurd. “我知道你很聪明,我爱你,因为你爱我的父亲。”西格德说。
"Will you help me choose my war-horse?" “您能帮我选一匹战马吗?”
"Yes," said the old man. "Let us drive these horses into the river." “可以,”老人说。“我们把这些马赶到河里去。”
Sigurd thought that this was a strange way to choose a war-horse, but he did as he was told, and soon the horses were in the water. 西格德觉得用这种方法来选择战马很奇怪,但他还是照做了,很快马儿就下水了。
All but one quickly struggled back to the shore. 其余的马儿都迅速挣扎着上岸,除了一匹马。
This one, a beautiful gray steed, swam to the other side and bounded away. 这匹漂亮的灰色骏马游到对岸,纵身一跃而去,
Then turning suddenly, he ran back into the river and swam to Sigurd's side. 然后突然转身,奔到河里,游到西格德身边。