乔布斯传 第487期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(3)(在线收听

 Another notable feature of the stores was the Genius Bar. 苹果零售店的另一个特色就是“天才吧”。

Johnson came up with the idea on a two-day retreat with his team. 这是约翰逊和他的团队用两天外出静思的时间想出来的。
He had asked them all to describe the best service they'd ever enjoyed. 他让每个人描述他们享受过的最好的服务。
Almost everyone mentioned some nice experience at a Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton hotel. 几乎每个人都提到了在四季酒店和丽兹卡尔顿酒店的一些经历。
So Johnson sent his first five store managers through the Ritz-Carlton training program 所以约翰逊派出了第一批共5名零售店经理去参加丽兹卡尔顿酒店的培训项目,
and came up with the idea of replicating something between a concierge desk and a bar. 然后他们学到了一点,就是建立一个融礼宾服务台与吧台特色于一体的服务设施。
"What if we staffed the bar with the smartest Mac people," he said to Jobs. "We could call it the Genius Bar." “如果我们在吧台都配上些最聪明的Mac专家,你看怎么样?”约翰逊对乔布斯说,“我们可以叫它‘天才吧’。”
Jobs called the idea crazy. He even objected to the name. 乔布斯觉得这个点子太离谱了,而且还反对这个名字。
"You can't call them geniuses," he said. 他说:“你不能叫他们‘天才’,
"They're geeks. They don't have the people skills to deliver on something called the genius bar." 他们是极客。他们没有那种交际能力来贯彻天才吧的宗旨。”
Johnson thought he had lost, but the next day he ran into Apple's general counsel, who said, 约翰逊也不知所措了。但是第二天,他碰巧遇到苹果公司的法律总顾问,对方告诉他:
"By the way, Steve just told me to trademark the name 'genius bar.'" “对了,史蒂夫刚才让我去给‘天才吧’这个名字注册商标。”