
 I would encourage you to take risks now. Do something bold! 我会鼓励你现在就冒险。做些大胆的事!

Fortune favors the bold. 幸运之神眷顾勇者。
Imaginative and bold people make a difference. 有想像力且无畏的人创造不同。
Try to love others and serve others. 试着友爱并服务他人。
A great responsibility—to serve and love others. 一个重大的责任--服务并爱其他人。
Acts of sacrifice and decency, without regard to what's in it for you. 奉献和宽容的行为,不去考虑其中对自己有什么好处。
The world needs your energy, your passion. 这世界需要你的力量、你的热情。
Your intelligence, your capacity for hard work. 你的智慧、你的孜孜不倦。
We need your enthusiasm, we need your energy, we need your imagination. 我们需要你的热忱、我们需要你的干劲、我们需要你的想像力。
Any 22-year-old who thinks they know where they will be in 10 years, much less in 30, is simply lacking in imagination. 任何一个认为自己知道他们十年后会怎样的 22 岁青年,更别说知道三十年后会怎样了,他们纯粹是缺乏想像力的一群。
And make no mistake about it, you are dumb. You're a group of incredibly well-educated dumb people. 别误会,你们很笨。你们是一群教育程度很高的蠢蛋。
The law of averages, not to mention the myth of Icarus, predicts that you will at some point fall. 平均法则,更不用提伊卡洛斯那则神话,预言了你们在某个点将会跌倒。
So failing is okay, and it's okay to fail really big. 所以失败没关系,重重摔到谷底没关系。
The world doesn't care how many times you fall down as long as it's one fewer than the number of times you get back up. 这世界不在意你跌倒几次,只要你跌倒的次数比你重新站起来的次数少一次就好。