
 An Indian shakes his head in different ways when you speak to him. 对印度人说话时,他会用很多不同方式摇头晃脑。

It could be like this, this, or this. What do they mean? 可能是像这样、这样,或这样。那是什么意思?
If a person shakes his head like this, it means he's saying "yes." 如果一个人这样晃他的头,就代表他说“是”。
Nirjhar, did you milk the cow today? Nirjhar,你今天挤牛奶了吗?
"Yes" can also be said like this. If a person moves his head like this, it means he's saying "no." “是”也可以这样表示。如果一个人像这样动动他的头,这代表他说“不是”。
Nirjhar, did you shave your beard today? Nirjhar,你今天刮胡子了吗?
If a person sways his head like this, it means "maybe" or "may not be." 如果一个人像这样摇摆他的头,这代表“大概是吧”或“可能不是”。
Nirjhar, did you delete the browser history? You did? You didn't? What?! Nirjhar,你是不是把浏览记录删了?你删了?你没删?什么啦?!
Doing the "yes" or "no" movement vigorously means the decision is made. 用力做出“是”或“不是”的动作表示已下好决定。
Moving your head down is calling someone. 点头是在叫某个人。
Moving your head up is asking, "What's up?" The same is used to hit on girls. 抬头是在问:“最近怎样啊?”同样的动作也被用来把妹。
The chances of getting hit back are also high. 被把回去的机会也很高。
The same action with a closing of an eye means "carry on." 相同动作配合闭一只眼睛代表“继续啊”。
This is an Indian enjoying music. This is an Indian singer. 这是一个陶醉在音乐之中的印度人。这是个印度歌手。
Above all, shaking your head while speaking shows respect to the other person. 最重要的是,说话时摇晃你的头展现出对另一个人的尊重。
So instead of standing blank when someone speaks to you, shake your head and show some respect. 所以当有人对你说话时,别放空地站着,晃晃你的头表示点尊重吧。