夏洛的网 第215期:温暖的风(5)(在线收听

 One fine sunny morning, after breakfast, 一个大晴天,威尔伯吃过了早饭,

Wilbur stood watching his precious sac. 站在那里看它的宝贝袋子。
He wasn't thinking of anything much. 它没有多想什么。
As he stood there, he noticed something move. 它就那么站在那里,可忽然之间,它看到有什么东西在动。
He stepped closer and stared. 它走近一点看。
A tiny spider crawled from the sac. 一只小蜘蛛正从袋子里爬出来。
It was no bigger than a grain of sand, 它不会比一粒沙子大,
no bigger than the head of a pin. 不比一个针头大。
Its body was grey with a black stripe underneath. 它的身体是灰色的,底下有一道黑条纹。
Its legs were grey and tan. 它的腿是灰色和棕色的。
It  looked just like Charlotte. 它就像夏洛一样。
Wilbur trembled all over when he saw it. 威尔伯一看到它,顿时浑身发抖。
The little spider waved at him. 这小蜘蛛向它招手。
Then Wilbur looked more closely. 威尔伯再靠近一点看。
Two more little spiders crawled out and waved. 又有两只小蜘蛛爬出来招手。
They climbed round and round on the sac, exploring their new world. 它们在袋子上绕圈圈,探索它们的新世界。
Then three more little spiders. Then eight. Then ten. 接着又有三只小蜘蛛。接着又是八只小蜘蛛。接着又是十只小蜘蛛。
Charlotte's children were here at last. 夏洛的孩子们终于都出来了。
Wilbur's heart pounded. 威尔伯的心怦怦直跳。
He began to squeal. 它开始呜呜尖叫。
Then he raced in circles, kicking manure into the air. 接着它绕着圈圈跑,把肥料踢上半空。
Then he turned a back flip. 接着它一个后空翻。
Then he planted his front feet and came to a stop in front of Charlotte's children. 接着它用前腿猛地站稳,在夏洛的孩子们面前停住。
"Hello, there!" he said. “喂,你们好!”它说。
The first spider said hello, but its voice was so small Wilbur couldn't hear it. 第一只小蜘蛛说:“你好。”不过它的声音小得威尔伯听不见。
"I am an old friend of your mother's," said Wilbur. “我是你们妈妈的老朋友,”威尔伯说,
"I'm glad to see you.  Are you all right?  Is everything all right?" “我很高兴看到你们。你们都好吗?一切平安吗?”
The little spiders waved their forelegs at him. 那些小蜘蛛向它挥动前腿。
Wilbur could see by the way they acted that they were glad to see him. 威尔伯从它们的举动能看出来,它们很高兴看到它。
"Is there anything I can get you? “有什么东西我能给你们吗?
Is there anything you need?" 你们需要什么东西吗?”